
JRM Most Downloaded Papers, Mar. 2023

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 1 Vol.33
Aerial Manipulation Using Multirotor UAV: A Review from the Aspect of Operating Space and Force
Robert Ladig, Hannibal Paul, Ryo Miyazaki, and Kazuhiro Shimonomura
multirotor UAV, aerial manipulation, tasks in high altitude, physical interaction
No.2 2 Vol.29
Open Source Integrated Planner for Autonomous Navigation in Highly Dynamic Environments
Hatem Darweesh, Eijiro Takeuchi, Kazuya Takeda, Yoshiki Ninomiya, Adi Sujiwo, Luis Yoichi Morales, Naoki Akai, Tetsuo Tomizawa, and Shinpei Kato
autonomous driving, path planning, open source software
No.3 6 Vol.35
PYNet: Poseclass and Yaw Angle Output Network for Object Pose Estimation
Kohei Fujita and Tsuyoshi Tasaki
object pose estimation, world robot summit, deep neural network
No.4 24 Vol.18
Reconfigurable Cellular Satellites Maintained by Space Robots
Hideyuki Tanaka, Noritaka Yamamoto, Takehisa Yairi,
and Kazuo Machida
space robot, reconfigurable space system, cellular satellite, precision assembly
No.5 17 Vol.34
Multi-Thread AI Cameras Using High-Speed Active Vision System
Mingjun Jiang, Zihan Zhang, Kohei Shimasaki, Shaopeng Hu, and Idaku Ishii
visual monitoring, convolutional neural network, object recognition, high-speed vision, multithread viewpoint control
No.6 19 Vol.23
Development of Soft Power-Assist Glove and Control Based on Human Intent
Yoko Kadowaki, Toshiro Noritsugu, Masahiro Takaiwa,
Daisuke Sasaki, and Machiko Kato
wearable robot, welfare robot, artificial pneumatic rubber muscle, power-assist wear, hand motion
No.7 22 Vol.35
Development of a Bimanual Wearable Force Feedback Device with Pneumatic Artificial Muscles, MR Fluid Brakes, and Sensibility Evaluation Based on Pushing Motion
Ryunosuke Sawahashi, Jonah Komatsu, Rie Nishihama, Manabu Okui, and Taro Nakamura
force feedback device, artificial muscle, MR fluid brake
No.8 22 Vol.34
Flexible Shoulder in Quadruped Animals and Robots Guiding Science of Soft Robotics
Akira Fukuhara, Megu Gunji, Yoichi Masuda, Kenjiro Tadakuma, and Akio Ishiguro
quadruped robot, muscle sling, anatomy, soft robotics
No.8 8 Vol.35
Coverage Motion Planning Based on 3D Model’s Curved Shape for Home Cleaning Robot
Yuki Sakata and Takuo Suzuki
path planning, graph theory, 3D-object models, mobile manipulators, automatic cleaning systems
No.9 17 Vol.33
Soft Robotics: Research, Challenges, and Prospects
Wenchuan Zhao, Yu Zhang, and Ning Wang
soft robots, key technologies, application fields, main challenges, development trend
No.9 5 Vol.34
Automation of Intraoperative Tool Changing for Robot-Assisted Laparoscopic Surgery
Dongbo Zhou, Yura Aoyama, Hayato Takeyama, Kotaro Tadano, and Daisuke Haraguchi
automatic surgery, robot-assisted surgery, tool change, gesture recognition
No.10 12 Vol.35
Study on an Add-on Type Electric Wheelchair Using Active Caster with the Differential Mechanism
Taisei Nakayama and Masayoshi Wada
omnidirectional wheels, differential mechanism, electric wheelchair, time delay control, yaw rate feedback control

Count period : March 1-31, 2023

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