
JACIII Most Downloaded Papers, Jun. 2022

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 3 Vol.26
Estimation of Forearm Motion Based on EMG Using Quaternion Neural Network
Hafizzuddin Firdaus Bin Hashim and Takehiko Ogawa
quaternion neural networks, surface electromyography, forearm motion
No.2 22 Vol.13
Comparison of Traditional 2D and Virtual Patterns Design in 3D
Agnieszka Cichocka and Pascal Bruniaux
garment pattern process generation, modelling of virtual garment, adaptive model
No.3 8 Vol.26
A Predicting Model for Near-Horizontal Directional Drilling Path Based on BP Neural Network in Underground Coal Mine
Hongchao Wei, Ningping Yao, Hongliang Tian, Yafeng Yao, Jinbao Zhang, and Hao Li
BP neural network, near-horizontal borehole, drilling path control, directional drilling, forecasting model
No.4 1 Vol.19
App Controllable Intelligent Desk Lamp System
Yu Ping Liao, Ruei Chang Lu, Pang Tzu Liu, Jing Xiang Cao, and Ko Chi Wei
FPGA, intelligent desk lamp, image processing, 3D printer, servo motor control
No.5 12 Vol.26
Evaluation of Tympanic Temperature, Heart Rate Variability and Finger-Foot Reaction Using VR in the Elderly
Yutaka Yoshida, Itaru Kaneko, Junichiro Hayano, Kiyoko Yokoyama, and Emi Yuda
virtual reality amusement park, tympanic temperature, heart rate variability, elderly
No.6 16 Vol.26
Privacy-Preserving Techniques in Social Distancing Applications: A Comprehensive Survey
Arwa Alrawais, Fatemah Alharbi, Moteeb Almoteri, Beshayr Altamimi, Hessa Alnafisah, and Nourah Aljumeiah
coronavirus disease, COVID-19, privacy-preserving, social distancing, location-based service (LBS)
No.6 11 Vol.26
Empirical Research of Hot Topic Recognition and its Evolution Path Method for Scientific and Technological Literature
Lei Jiang, Tao Zhang, and Taihua Huang
LDA, topic recognition, topic evolution path, topic similarity, intelligent algorithm
No.7 8 Vol.26
Review of Generative Adversarial Networks in Image Generation
Wanle Chi, Yun Huoy Choo, and Ong Sing Goh
image generation, generative adversarial networks, machine learning, gradients disappearing, collapse mode
No.8 20 Vol.25
Three-Dimensional Stereo Vision Tracking of Multiple Free-Swimming Fish for Low Frame Rate Video
Maria Gemel B. Palconit, Ronnie S. Concepcion II, Jonnel D. Alejandrino, Michael E. Pareja, Vincent Jan D. Almero, Argel A. Bandala, Ryan Rhay P. Vicerra, Edwin Sybingco, Elmer P. Dadios, and Raouf N. G. Naguib
multiple object tracking, fish tagging and tracking, multigene genetic programming, computational intelligence, stereovision
No.9 16 Vol.26
Nodal Degree Correlations Around Twitter’s Influencers Revealed by Two-Hop Followers
Chisa Takano and Masaki Aida
Twitter, nodal degree distribution, degree correlation
No.10 13 Vol.25
Path Planning Based on Improved Hybrid A* Algorithm
Bijun Tang, Kaoru Hirota, Xiangdong Wu, Yaping Dai, and Zhiyang Jia
path planning, hybrid A* algorithm, artificial potential field, ROS platform
No.10 12 Vol.26
A New Hyperchaotic System Generated by an External Periodic Excitation and its Image Encryption Application
Jianping Cai and Jianbin He
chaos anti-control, hyperchaotic system, positive Lyapunov exponent, image encryption

Count period : June 1-30, 2022 (the ranking data was renewed on Jul. 25 since former data was not exactly correct.)

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Last updated on Feb. 13, 2025