
JACIII Most Downloaded Papers, Apr. 2020

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 5 Vol.24
Characteristics for Performance Optimization of Safety-Critical System Development (SCSD)
Abdulaziz Ahmed Thawaba, Azizul Azhar Ramli, Mohd. Farhan Md. Fudzee, and Junzo Wadata
safety-critical systems (SCSs), safety-critical system development (SCSD), area, system development, performance
No.2 10 Vol.23
Estimation of Object Motion State Based on Adaptive Decorrelation Kalman Filtering
Xinmei Wang, Leimin Wang, Longsheng Wei, and Feng Liu
the correlative method, adaptive recurrence, the noise variance update, decorrelation Kalman filtering
No.3 10 Vol.11
Unfolding of Massive Laundry and Classification Types by Dual Manipulator
Fumiaki Osawa, Hiroaki Seki, and Yoshitsugu Kamiya
home robot, deformable object manipulation, clothing, form recognition, unfolding operation
No.4 10 Vol.23
Image Encryption Algorithm Based on a Hyperchaotic System and Fractional Fourier Transform
Yang Liu
hyperchaotic system, standard weighted class, fractional Fourier transform, image encryption, information security
No.5 5 Vol.22
Motion Control of 6-DOF Manipulator Based on EtherCAT
Nannan Li, Hongbin Ma, Qing Fei, Hao Zhou, Shaoke Li, and Sunjie Chen
EtherCAT, manipulator, trajectory planning, motion control

Count period : April 1-30, 2020

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