Institute Overview:
Toyohashi University of Technology: The Direction the Center for Human-Robot Symbiosis Research Should Take and its Achievements to Date
Kazuhiko Terashima
Toyohashi University of Technology
1-1 Hibarigaoka, Tempaku-cho, Toyohashi 441-8580, Japan
In the preface of this special issue, we will discuss the achievements of the Toyohashi University of Technology and the Center for Human-Robot Symbiosis Research so far and the direction they should proceed in hereafter. In particular, the history of the establishment of the center, research results until now, future activity plans, and this special issue are described.
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- [6] H. Kitagawa, T. Terai, M. Panya, and K. Terashima, “Application of Neural Network for the Teaching of Massage to a Multi-Fingered Robot Hand,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.14, No.2, pp. 534-541, 2002.
- [7] K. Terashima, H. Kitagawa, T. Miyoshi, P. Minyong, and T. Kondo, “Modeling and Massage Control of Human Skin Muscle by Using Multi-Fingered Robot Hand,” J. of Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, Vol.12, pp. 1-16, 2006.
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