
JRM Vol.28 No.4 pp. 523-532
doi: 10.20965/jrm.2016.p0523


Structured Light Field Generated by Two Projectors for High-Speed Three Dimensional Measurement

Akihiro Obara*, Xu Yang*, and Hiromasa Oku**

*School of Science and Technology, Gunma University
1-5-1 Tenjin-cho, Kiryu, Gunma 376-8515, Japan

**Graduate School of Science and Technology, Gunma University
1-5-1 Tenjin-cho, Kiryu, Gunma 376-8515, Japan

January 20, 2016
April 21, 2016
August 20, 2016
high-speed three dimensional measurement, structured light filed, depth map
Triangulation is commonly used to restore 3D scenes, but its frame of less than 30 fps due to time-consuming stereo-matching is an obstacle for applications requiring that results be fed back in real time. The structured light field (SLF) our group proposed previously reduced the amount of calculation in 3D restoration, realizing high-speed measurement. Specifically, the SLF estimates depth information by projecting information on distance directly to a target. The SLF synthesized as reported, however, presents difficulty in extracting image features for depth estimation. In this paper, we propose synthesizing the SLF using two projectors with a certain layout. Our proposed SLF’s basic properties are based on an optical model. We evaluated the SLF’s performance using a prototype we developed and applied to the high-speed depth estimation of a target moving randomly at a speed of 1000 Hz. We demonstrate the target’s high-speed tracking based on high-speed depth information feedback.
Concept of SLF generated by two projectors

Concept of SLF generated by two projectors

Cite this article as:
A. Obara, X. Yang, and H. Oku, “Structured Light Field Generated by Two Projectors for High-Speed Three Dimensional Measurement,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.28 No.4, pp. 523-532, 2016.
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