
JRM Vol.26 No.4 pp. 496-504
doi: 10.20965/jrm.2014.p0496


Development of the Stretcher with the Vibration Isolator Using Nonlinear-Structure

Yuki Iwano*, Satoru Horai*, Koichi Osuka**,
and Hisanori Amano***

*Akashi National College of Technology, 679-3 Nishioka, Uozumi-cyo, Akashi, Hyogo 674-8501, Japan

**Osaka University, 2-1 Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871, Japan

***National Research Institute of Fire and Disaster, 4-35-3 Jindaiji-Higashi-Machi, Chofu, Tokyo 182-0012, Japan

February 20, 2014
June 2, 2014
August 20, 2014
vibration isolator, nonlinear-structure, RMS value, acceleration PSD
Nonlinear-structure stretcher
During ambulance or stretcher transport, subjects experience vibration causing discomfort or pain. Measures must thus be taken against such vibration. The purpose of this study was to develop stretchers that minimize vibration during transport. This study first details vibration size, direction, and frequency through vibration measurement experiment, resulting in a nonlinear stretcher using a vibration isolator. Stretcher performance was then evaluated and confirmed RMS and acceleration PSD.
Cite this article as:
Y. Iwano, S. Horai, K. Osuka, and H. Amano, “Development of the Stretcher with the Vibration Isolator Using Nonlinear-Structure,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.26 No.4, pp. 496-504, 2014.
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