
JRM Vol.21 No.2 pp. 267-276
doi: 10.20965/jrm.2009.p0267


Functions of Mobile-Robot Step-On Interface

Takafumi Matsumaru and Kosuke Akai

Graduate School of Engineering, Shizuoka University,
3-5-1 Johoku, Naka, Hamamatsu, 432-8561 Japan

September 30, 2008
January 29, 2009
April 20, 2009
step-on interface, mobile robot, projector, range sensor, human interaction
To improve HFAMRO-1 mobile robot maneuverability and safety, we added a step-on interface (SOI) to direct robotic or mechatronic tasks and operations (HFAMRO: “human-friendly amusing” mobile robot). To do so, a projector displays a direction screen on a floor or other surface, and an operator specifies a button showing the selected movement by stepping or pointing. We modified the direction screen so that among buttons displayed on two lines, stepped-on buttons directing movement are displayed only on the lower line. We also shortened retention time and had selected movement executed only when the foot was removed from the stepped-on button. The robot has 2 SOIs and multiple projection screens, and can be controlled from either direction for the same function. We synchronized direction and preliminary-announcement screens to inform passers-by which way the robot would move. Using range scanner data, the robot distinguishes feet from other objects based on size and autonomous movement fusion control to avoid obstacles is implemented.
Cite this article as:
T. Matsumaru and K. Akai, “Functions of Mobile-Robot Step-On Interface,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.21 No.2, pp. 267-276, 2009.
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