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A New Device for Converting Rotary Motion into Linear Motion Study of Rotary-to-Linear Harmonic Drive® (Harmonic Linear Drive®)
Stéphanie Moune, Keiji Ueura, and Noboru Takizawa
Harmonic Drive Systems Inc.
Received:September 29, 2007Accepted:November 30, 2007Published:April 20, 2008
Keywords:linear motion, gearbox, harmonic drive®
This paper describes a new concept for linear motion based on the similar theory of strain wave gearing, which has been used for more than forty years by Harmonic Drive Systems Inc. Gear teeth are replaced by screw threads and rotation of the input side generates linear translation at the output. Besides design flexibility and reasonable costs, the new rotary-to-linear harmonic drive® has shown promising potential in positioning accuracy as well as in high load capacity. It is able to compete (and to surpass in some features) with ball screw or lead screw systems.
Cite this article as:S. Moune, K. Ueura, and N. Takizawa, “A New Device for Converting Rotary Motion into Linear Motion Study of Rotary-to-Linear Harmonic Drive® (Harmonic Linear Drive®),” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.20 No.2, pp. 311-315, 2008.Data files:
References- [1] C. W. Musser, “Breakthrough in mechanical design: the Harmonic Drive,” Machine Design, Penton publishing Co., pp. 160-173, April 14, 1960.
- [2] D. W. Dudley, “Gear Handbook (Harmonic Drive arrangements),” McGraw-Hill publishing Co., pp. 3-35-43, 1962.
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