
JRM Vol.16 No.2 pp. 194-199
doi: 10.20965/jrm.2004.p0194


Design Concept of Responsive Multithreaded Processor for Distributed Real-Time Control

Nobuyuki Yamasaki

Department of Information and Computer Science, Keio University, 3-14-11 Hiyoshi, Kouhoku-ku, Yokohama 223-8522, Japan

October 20, 2003
December 5, 2003
April 20, 2004
real-time, distributed controller, Responsive Link, SoC, RMT
This paper describes the design concept of Responsive MultiThreaded (RMT) Processor for distributed real-time control that controls various embedded systems including robots, home automation, factory automation, etc. RMT processor integrates an 8-way multithreaded processor (RMT processing unit) for real-time processing, four sets of Responsive Link II for real-time communication, and I/O peripherals including DDR SDRAM I/Fs, DMAC, PCI64, USB2.0, IEEE1394, PWM generators, pulse counters, etc., into an ASIC chip. System designers can use various on-chip functions easily by connecting required I/Os to this chip directly. The designers can also realize distributed control systems by connecting several RMT processors with their own functions via Responsive Link II.
Cite this article as:
N. Yamasaki, “Design Concept of Responsive Multithreaded Processor for Distributed Real-Time Control,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.16 No.2, pp. 194-199, 2004.
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