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A Range Finder System with Electronically Maskable Photo Detecting Device Array
Jun Masaki, Nobuhiro Okada, and Eiji Kondo
Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University, 10-1, Hakozaki 6-chome, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka, 812-8581 Japan
Received:November 30, 2002Accepted:March 12, 2003Published:June 20, 2003
Keywords:range finder, high cost performance, highspeed, compact device, pattern mask
A range finder realizable with an easy circuit composition is proposed. The range finder is based on the slit-ray projection method. In the system, positions of slit-ray images on an image plane are detected by using pattern masks electronically provided to the image plane. Due to using the electronic pattern masks, the range finder realizes high cost performance, highspeed measurement and small size. In order to estimate measurement speed, a prototype circuit has been developed. The experimental results obtained by the circuit have indicated that the range finder will be able to take a range image of which resolution is 64 × 64 and more in 1/30[s] or less in the future. A prototype range finder which has a 32 × 32 photo diode array and a laser slit marker has been also developed, and range images have been actually taken using it. In this paper, with emphasis on indicating the availability of the proposed method, the range finder system and experimental results by the prototype circuit and the prototype range finder will be shown.
Cite this article as:J. Masaki, N. Okada, and E. Kondo, “A Range Finder System with Electronically Maskable Photo Detecting Device Array,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.15 No.3, pp. 322-330, 2003.Data files:
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