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Presentation of Assembly Condition and Subassembly Function Using Two Force Feedback Displays
Ryoko Furusawa*, Kazuaki Tanaka*, Norihiro Abe*, Katsuya Matsunaga** and Hirokazu Taki***
*Faculty of Computer Science, Kyushu Institute of Technology, 680-4 Kawazu, Iizuka-shi, Fukuoka prefecture 820-8502, Japan
**Graduate School of Information Sciences and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University, 6-10-1 Hakozaki, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka 812-8581, Japan
***Department of Systems Engineering, Wakayama University, 930 Sakaedani, Wakayama City 640-8510, Japan
Received:June 1, 1999Accepted:November 29, 1999Published:February 20, 2000
Keywords:reaction force, assembly, subassembly, assembly conditions and subassembly functions using 2 force feedback displays
Assembling is one of the important factors in our daily life. The aim of assembling is to obtain a particular function from the subassembly which is generated by putting some parts together. This fact shows that assembling machine parts is possibily the most appropriate example to exeute. If we assemble some machine parts, we decide the positions by their shapes, and then, make sure both the state of parts by reaction force fed back to the hand when a part touches other parts and the behavior of the subassembly. In addition, it is advisable to use both hands for assembly. In this research, we constructed a virtual work space using a force display which gives us haptic sensation returned from not only assembling operation but collaboration with both hands.
Cite this article as:R. Furusawa, K. Tanaka, N. Abe, K. Matsunaga, and H. Taki, “Presentation of Assembly Condition and Subassembly Function Using Two Force Feedback Displays,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.12 No.1, pp. 2-10, 2000.Data files:
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