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Operation Supporting System of Tools in Virtual World
Kazuhiro Annoura*, Norihiro Abe*, Kazuaki Tanaka*, and Hirokazu Taki**
*Department of Mechanical System Engineering, Faculty of Computer Science and System Engineering, Kyushu Institute of Technology
**Faculty of System Engineering, Wakayama University
Received:June 1, 1999Accepted:November 29, 1999Published:February 20, 2000
Keywords:virtual space, operation support, tools, virtual hand
Because tools in real world operate the object in order to attain a specific purpose, it is possible to forecast the movement to some extent. So action of hands to operate the tool to attain a purpose is measured beforehand and the data are stored in computer classified by the purpose. When operating the tool with virtual hand in virtual space, in the case that the system detects that the user is going to perform the operation defined for the tool, playback of the movement of the hand stored in the system enables the user to get operation feeling with more delicate reality.
Cite this article as:K. Annoura, N. Abe, K. Tanaka, and H. Taki, “Operation Supporting System of Tools in Virtual World,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.12 No.1, pp. 11-17, 2000.Data files:
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