
JRM Vol.7 No.6 pp. 443-448
doi: 10.20965/jrm.1995.p0443


Dynamic Properties of the Visco-Elastic Actuator Designed as an Artificial Muscle

Masami Saito* Youjiro Tamura** and Junji Furusho***

*Department of Electronic and Information Engineering, Suzuka College of Technology, Shiroko-cho, Suzuka, Mie, 510-02 Japan

**Department of Physics, Suzuka College of Technology, Shiroko-cho, Suzuka, Mie, 510-02 Japan

***Department of Mechanical and Control Engineering, The University of Electro-Communication, 1-5-1, Chofugaoka, Chofu, Tokyo, 182 Japan

August 14, 1995
August 31, 1995
December 20, 1995
Actuator, Artificial muscle, Visco-elasticity, Dynamic properties, Compliant control
A mechanical actuator with a visco-elastic property is designed as an artificial muscle, and its dynamic properties are examined and compared with those of natural muscle. The properties are the length-tension relation, the tension response to sudden length change, and the load-velocity relation. The results show qualitatively good agreement with the dynamic properties of frog skeletal muscle, although the performance of the actuator must be improved. It is possible to give an actuator a visco-elasticitic property by properly combining some mechanical elements into a power source. This work is performed as the first step of the research aiming at a robotic system in which a compliant control is completed by controlling the visco-elasticity of the actuator itself.
Cite this article as:
M. Tamura and J. Furusho, “Dynamic Properties of the Visco-Elastic Actuator Designed as an Artificial Muscle,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.7 No.6, pp. 443-448, 1995.
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