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A millimeter-Sized Robot Using SMA and Its Control
Katsutoshi Kuribayashi and Seiji Shimizu
Faculty of Engineering, Yamaguchi University, 2557 Tokiwadai, Ube, Yamaguchi, 755 Japan
Received:November 22, 1995Accepted:November 30, 1995Published:December 20, 1995
Keywords:Micro-robot, Millimeter-sized arm, SMA actuator, Sensor feedback control, Electric current control
A millimeter-sized robot has been fabricated using shape memory alloy (SMA) actuators, focusing on its advantages including a strong force to weight ratio and extendibility to micro sizes. The Al links for the robot were made by wire-electric discharge machining (W-EDM). A push-pull type SMA actuator has been constructed with a couple of SMA sheets, each 50μm thick, which were cut by using a laser beam. They were set on Al links after they had been bent spirally. The dynamics of a larger-size SMA actuator were analyzed theoretically and experimentally. This theory was then applied to estimate the dynamics of the millimeter-sized SMA actuator proposed here. The joint angle was controlled with and without the sensor feedback.
Cite this article as:K. Kuribayashi and S. Shimizu, “A millimeter-Sized Robot Using SMA and Its Control,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.7 No.6, pp. 449-457, 1995.Data files: