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Space Robotics Researches at Electrotechnical Laboratory: Dexterous EV Robot Technology
Kazuo Machida, Yoshitsugu Toda and Toshiaki Iwata
Electrotechnical Laboratory, MITI, 1-1-4 Umezono, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305 Japan
Received:June 13, 1994Accepted:June 20, 1994Published:October 20, 1994
Keywords:Space robotics, Telerobotics, Smart end effector, Free flying robot, Multisensory hand
Studies on basic technologies on space robots have been conducted at the Electrotechnical Laboratory (ETL) since 1983. The research emphasizes on developing key technologies of dexterous extravehicular robots. It is categorized into four areas: space adaptive mechatronics; telerobotics; on-board skill technology; and motion control of free flying robots in 0-gravity. We have been developing several pilot models such as a dexterous space manipulator system working in a vacuum, a graphic simulator augmented teleoperation system for long-distance robots, a smart end-effector for a large space manipulator arm, and an astronaut reference flying robot. This paper overviews the space robotics research efforts at ETL and presents a current topic of the precise space telerobotics experiment on ETS-VII.
Cite this article as:K. Machida, Y. Toda, and T. Iwata, “Space Robotics Researches at Electrotechnical Laboratory: Dexterous EV Robot Technology,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.6 No.5, pp. 402-407, 1994.Data files: