
JDR Vol.10 No.5 pp. 887-899
doi: 10.20965/jdr.2015.p0887


A Proposal of Multi-Scale Urban Disaster Mitigation Planning that Takes Regional Issues into Consideration

U Hiroi*, Akito Murayama**, Yoshihiro Chiba*, Hisashi Komatsu*, Masafumi Mori*, Keiichi Yamada***, Masato Yamazaki*, and Nobuo Fukuwa*

*Disaster Mitigation Research Center, Nagoya University
Furo-Cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8603, Japan

**Department of Urban Engineering, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656 Japan

***Nagoya Urban Development Public Corporation
1-1-1 Kanayama-cho, Naka-ku, Nagoya 460-0023, Japan

June 15, 2015
August 30, 2015
October 1, 2015
community-based disaster mitigation, regional issues, workshop
This case study proposes a new approach to community-based disaster mitigation in which regional issues are resolved and the features of local areas are concurrently addressed. This paper proposes a method of multi-scale community-based disaster-mitigation planning based on the results of workshops on regional community-based disaster mitigation conducted by the authors and targeted at city planning professionals, and describes the results obtained from a case study targeting the greater Nagoya region. Several issues were indicated, including the absence of institutional mechanisms to support the relocation of residential functions and the need for such mechanisms to support the adoption of active disaster-mitigation measures, density reduction, and withdrawal of industry from high-risk areas.
Cite this article as:
U. Hiroi, A. Murayama, Y. Chiba, H. Komatsu, M. Mori, K. Yamada, M. Yamazaki, and N. Fukuwa, “A Proposal of Multi-Scale Urban Disaster Mitigation Planning that Takes Regional Issues into Consideration,” J. Disaster Res., Vol.10 No.5, pp. 887-899, 2015.
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