
JDR Vol.9 No.6 pp. 916-924
doi: 10.20965/jdr.2014.p0916


Summary Report of the SATREPS Project on Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster Mitigation Technology in Peru

Fumio Yamazaki*1, Carlos Zavala*2, Shoichi Nakai*1,
Shunichi Koshimura*3, Taiki Saito*4, Saburoh Midorikawa*5,
Zenon Aguilar*2, Miguel Estrada*2, and Alberto Bisbal*6

*1Department of Urban Environment Systems, Graduate School of Engineering, Chiba University, 1-33 Yayoi-cho, Inage-ku, Chiba 263-8522, Japan

*2CISMID, Faculty of Civil Engineering, National University of Engineering, Lima, Peru

*3International Research Institute of Disaster Science, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan

*4Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Toyohashi University of Technology, Toyohashi, Japan

*5Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Yokohama, Japan

*6Secretary of the Disaster Risk Management, Presidency of the Council of Ministers (PCM), Lima, Peru

July 30, 2014
September 7, 2014
December 1, 2014
earthquake, Tsunami, disaster mitigation, international cooperation, Peru, SATREPS
One of the SATREPS projects on earthquake and tsunami disaster mitigation technology in Peru has been promoted since March 2010 for a five-year period. The project focuses on five research fields, i.e., seismic motion and geotechnical, tsunamis, buildings, damage assessment, and disaster mitigation planning. Collaborative research has been carried out through joint experiments, observations, field surveys, computer simulations, seminars and workshops. With the Lima metropolitan area and the city of Tacna set as case study sites, two mega-thrust earthquakes have been simulated and their effects and countermeasures investigated. The simulation results have been validated by observation data and have been implemented in government policy. Young Peruvian engineers and scientists have also received training and education. This paper summarizes the progress and outcomes of the SATREPS project for earthquake and tsunami disaster mitigation in Peru.
Cite this article as:
F. Yamazaki, C. Zavala, S. Nakai, S. Koshimura, T. Saito, S. Midorikawa, Z. Aguilar, M. Estrada, and A. Bisbal, “Summary Report of the SATREPS Project on Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster Mitigation Technology in Peru,” J. Disaster Res., Vol.9 No.6, pp. 916-924, 2014.
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