
JACIII Vol.17 No.2 pp. 194-200
doi: 10.20965/jaciii.2013.p0194


Chaotic Music Generation System Using Music Conductor Gesture

Shuai Chen, Yoichiro Maeda, and Yasutake Takahashi

Department of Human and Artificial Intelligent Systems, Graduate School of Engineering, University of Fukui, 3-9-1 Bunkyo, Fukui 910-8507, Japan

November 21, 2012
January 28, 2013
March 20, 2013
chaotic theory, network of chaotic elements, artificial sound, music generation
In research on interactive music generation, we propose a music generation method in which the computer generates music under the recognition of a humanmusic conductor’s gestures. In this research, generated music is tuned by parameters of a network of chaotic elements which are determined by the recognized gesture in real time. The music conductor’s hand motions are detected by Microsoft Kinect in this system. Music theories are embedded in the algorithm and, as a result, generated music is richer. Furthermore, we constructed the music generation system and performed experiments for generating music composed by human beings.
Cite this article as:
S. Chen, Y. Maeda, and Y. Takahashi, “Chaotic Music Generation System Using Music Conductor Gesture,” J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Inform., Vol.17 No.2, pp. 194-200, 2013.
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