
JACIII Vol.16 No.2 pp. 305-312
doi: 10.20965/jaciii.2012.p0305


Design of Mutual Interaction Between a User and Smart Electric Wheelchair

Mihoko Niitsuma, Terumichi Ochi, Masahiro Yamaguchi, and Koki Iwamoto

Chuo University, 1-13-27 Kasuga, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-8551, Japan

September 15, 2011
November 15, 2011
March 20, 2012
smart wheelchair, human-robot interaction, human-robot cooperation, vibrotactile interface
This paper presents interaction between a user and a smart electric wheelchair. We propose a personal mobility tool (PMT) that integrates autonomous mobile robot navigation technology with intuitive and cognitive interaction between a user and a smart wheelchair. An intuitive and noncontinuous input method is proposed to enable a user to specify the direction in which the wheelchair is to go. Using an acceleration sensor and pressure sensors, the user gives a direction to the PMT, then the PMT determines the goal on an environmental map based on the direction. An output interface is used to help the user interpret robot behavior through informative communication between the user and the PMT. In this paper, a vibrotactile seat interface is presented.
Cite this article as:
M. Niitsuma, T. Ochi, M. Yamaguchi, and K. Iwamoto, “Design of Mutual Interaction Between a User and Smart Electric Wheelchair,” J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Inform., Vol.16 No.2, pp. 305-312, 2012.
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