
JACIII Vol.14 No.1 pp. 46-54
doi: 10.20965/jaciii.2010.p0046


Integrated Eco-Design Tool for Malaysian Automobile Industry

Julirose Gonzales, Novita Sakundarini, Raja Ariffin, and Zahari bin Taha

Center for Product Design and Manufacturing, Department of Engineering Design and Manufacture Faculty of Engineering, University Malaya 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

April 25, 2009
August 22, 2009
January 20, 2010
Eco-design, Eco-evaluation, disassemblability, recyclability, life cycle design
Today’s manufacturing companies are burdened with the pressures of managing their products throughout its life cycles and ensure that their products have minimum impact in the environment through Eco-design methods. This paper looks into the different Product Eco-evaluation methods in terms of Material Recyclability, Manufacturing Process and Disassemblability used for Eco-design, especially in the automobile industry. From these methods, the authors propose an Eco-Design framework suited for Malaysian local automobile SMEs given their limited role in Automobile design.
Cite this article as:
J. Gonzales, N. Sakundarini, R. Ariffin, and Z. bin Taha, “Integrated Eco-Design Tool for Malaysian Automobile Industry,” J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Inform., Vol.14 No.1, pp. 46-54, 2010.
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