
JACIII Vol.11 No.7 pp. 867-874
doi: 10.20965/jaciii.2007.p0867


Analyzing Usage of Indoor Space from Ecological Aspects Based on Constraint-Oriented Fuzzy Sets

Tomoko Ohya, Masanori Shimamoto, Takayuki Shiose,
Hiroshi Kawakami, and Osamu Katai

Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, Japan

January 15, 2007
May 2, 2007
September 20, 2007
constraint-oriented fuzzy set, ecological approach, design support method
This paper proposes a framework for analyzing the relationships between human recognition and the ecological aspects of physical space, aiming to support conflict management of architectural designs. Our framework employs novel fuzzy sets: the Constraint-Interval Fuzzy Set (CoIFS) [1], which visualizes roles of architectural spaces from the viewpoint of space usages and the physical abilities of target users. For designing indoor spatial layouts, the users are the inhabitants. From an ecological viewpoint, environments affect inhabitant behaviors on every location and scene. Among several ecological factors, we adopt pathway likeness and settling attraction as examples of metrics for evaluating space. Inhabitants’ personalities are implemented by configurations of private/official space and settling attractions for simulating their behavior in a room. Based on simulation results, a spatial layout is evaluated by metrics that enable us to translate the roles of space into CoIFS. The potential of our framework is also discussed with the architectural notions of P-Space and N-Space.
Cite this article as:
T. Ohya, M. Shimamoto, T. Shiose, H. Kawakami, and O. Katai, “Analyzing Usage of Indoor Space from Ecological Aspects Based on Constraint-Oriented Fuzzy Sets,” J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Inform., Vol.11 No.7, pp. 867-874, 2007.
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