
JACIII Vol.10 No.5 pp. 752-760
doi: 10.20965/jaciii.2006.p0752


MDVM System Concept, Paging Latency and Round-2 Randomized Leader Election Algorithm in SG

Susmit Bagchi*, Hafizur Rahaman**, and Purnendu Das***

*Deptt. of Information Technology, Sikkim Manipal Inst. of Technology, Majitar, Sikkim, India

**Deptt. of Information Technology, Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur, Howrah, India

***School of Information Technology, Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur, Howrah, India

October 28, 2005
April 17, 2006
September 20, 2006
GPRS, GSM, mobile computing, network paging latency, leader election algorithms
The future trend in the computing paradigm is marked by mobile computing based on mobile-client/server architecture connected by wireless communication network. However, the mobile computing systems have limitations because of the resource-thin mobile clients operating on battery power. The MDVM system allows the mobile clients to utilize memory and CPU resources of Server-Groups (SG) to overcome the resource limitations of clients in order to support the high-end mobile applications such as, m-commerce and virtual organization (VO). In this paper the concept of MDVM system and the architecture of cellular network containing the SG are discussed. A round-2 randomized distributed algorithm is proposed to elect a unique leader and co-leader of the SG. The algorithm is free from any assumption about network topology, buffer space limitations and is based on dynamically elected coordinators eliminating single point of failure. The algorithm is implemented in distributed system setup and the network-paging latency values of wired and wireless networks are measured experimentally. The experimental results demonstrate that in most cases the algorithm successfully terminates in first round and the possibility of second round execution decreases significantly with the increase in the size of SG (|Na|). The overall message complexity of the algorithm is O(|Na|). The comparative study of network-paging latencies indicates that 3G/4G mobile communication systems would support the realization of MDVM system.
Cite this article as:
S. Bagchi, H. Rahaman, and P. Das, “MDVM System Concept, Paging Latency and Round-2 Randomized Leader Election Algorithm in SG,” J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Inform., Vol.10 No.5, pp. 752-760, 2006.
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