
IJAT Vol.18 No.1 pp. 92-103
doi: 10.20965/ijat.2024.p0092

Research Paper:

Phase Retrieval Algorithm for Surface Topography Measurement Using Multi-Wavelength Scattering Spectroscopy

Satoshi Itakura, Tsutomu Uenohara, Yasuhiro Mizutani, and Yasuhiro Takaya

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University
2-1 Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871, Japan

Corresponding author

June 23, 2023
October 10, 2023
January 5, 2024
laser inverse scattering method, surface topography measurement

We are currently developing a high-precision and wide-range in-process surface topography measurement system using the laser inverse scattering method. In the laser inverse scattering method, a monochromatic plane wave is illuminated perpendicular to the target surface and the surface topography is measured by retrieving the phase distribution of the reflected light. However, the dynamic range of this method is limited to the sub-micrometer range because of phase wrapping during phase retrieval. In this paper, we propose a laser inverse scattering method using a multi-wavelength light source based on the fact that the phase of light is inversely proportional to the wavelength with the propagation distance as a coefficient. We also constructed a surface profilometer based on the proposed method and measured the profile of a single rectangular groove with a width of 50 µm and a depth of 2 µm. The dimensions of the measured profiles agree well with the nominal dimensions of the rectangular groove.

Cite this article as:
S. Itakura, T. Uenohara, Y. Mizutani, and Y. Takaya, “Phase Retrieval Algorithm for Surface Topography Measurement Using Multi-Wavelength Scattering Spectroscopy,” Int. J. Automation Technol., Vol.18 No.1, pp. 92-103, 2024.
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