Posture Control Considering Joint Stiffness of a Robotic Arm Driven by Rubberless Artificial Muscle
Naoki Saito† and Toshiyuki Satoh
Akita Prefectural University
84-4 Ebinokuchi, Tsuchiya, Yurihonjo Akita, Japan
†Corresponding author,
The objective of this study is to realize a soft contact movement of robotic arms by applying the passive compliance characteristics of RLAMs. In this study, we derive a mathematical expression for the relationship between the output of an RLAM and the joint stiffness of a robotic arm. In addition, we suggest a control scheme for each RLAM. We confirm the validity of these suggestions experimentally. From the result, we observe a good control performance of the joint angle. A robotic arm moves smoothly according to the force added from outside by setting the passive stiffness of the arm.
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