
IJAT Vol.9 No.5 pp. 508-514
doi: 10.20965/ijat.2015.p0508


3D Image Formation in Transmitted Partially Coherent and Incoherent Light Applied to Dimensional Inspection

Yuri V. Chugui*,**,*** and Elena S. Senchenko*

*Technological Design Institute of Scientific Instrument Engineering,
Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (TDI SIE SB RAS)
41 Russkaya str., Novosibirsk 630058, Russia

**Novosibirsk State University
2 Pirogova Street, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia

***Novosibirsk State Technical University
20 K. Marksa Prospekt, Novosibirsk 630073, Russia

January 30, 2015
April 21, 2015
September 5, 2015
3D diffraction, shadow method, dimensional inspection, partially coherent light, perfectly incoherent light
The peculiarities of 3D objects image formation with clear shadow projection based on the constructive theory of 3D objects formation under illumination by partially coherent and perfectly incoherent light are investigated. Threshold algorithms for determining the position of boundaries of geometric 3D objects are developed, algorithms taking into account object thickness, light source angular sizes, and projection system angular apertures. These algorithms are based on the application of a true (calculated) threshold or a standard one using the corrective component for thresholds. Cases of weak and strong 3D object volumetricity for partially coherent and incoherent illumination are studied. The analytical equations for these algorithms are given. It is shown that the use of algorithms can significantly improve the measurement accuracy of the extended objects.
Cite this article as:
Y. Chugui and E. Senchenko, “3D Image Formation in Transmitted Partially Coherent and Incoherent Light Applied to Dimensional Inspection,” Int. J. Automation Technol., Vol.9 No.5, pp. 508-514, 2015.
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