Recent Progress in CMM-Based Form Measurement
Otto Jusko*, Michael Neugebauer*, Helge Reimann*, and Ralf Bernhardt**
*Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt
Bundesallee 100, 38116 Braunschweig, Germany
**Carl Zeiss IMT GmbH
Carl-Zeiss-Str. 4-54, 73447 Oberkochen, Germany
- [1] T. Pfeifer and A. Napierala, “Scanning on coordinate mesuring machines,” Proc. XVI IMEKO World Congress, Vienna, Austria, 2000.
- [2] O. Jusko and H. Kunzmann, “CIRP form measurement intercomparison including CMMs and form testers,” Metrologia, ISSN 0026-1394, Vol.37, No.4, pp. 345-346, 2000.
- [3] VDI/VDE 2617 Blatt 2.2, “Genauigkeit von Koordinatenmessgeräten – Kenngröss en und deren Prüfung – Formmessung (Accuracy of coordinate measuring machines – Parameters and their reverification – Form measurement).”
- [4] ISO 10360-3, “Geometrical Product Specification (GPS) – Acceptance Test and reverification test for coordinate measuring machines (CMM) – Part 3: CMMs with a rotary table as the fourth axis.”
- [5] ISO 10360-4, “Geometrical Product Specification (GPS) – Acceptance Test and reverification test for coordinate measuring machines (CMM) – Part 4: CMMs used in scanning modus.”
- [6] VDI 2631, Blatt 1, “Formprüfung – Grundlagen zur Bestimmung von Form- und Lageabweichungen (Form measurement – Principles for the measurement of geometrical deviations).”
- [7] ISO 12181-1 & -2: 2011, “Geometrical product specifications (GPS) – Roundness.”
- [8] ISO 12780-1 & -2: 2011, “Geometrical product specifications (GPS) – Straightness.”
- [9] O. Jusko and F. Lüdicke, “Novel multi-wave standards for the calibration of form measuring instruments,” Proc. 1st EuSPEN, Bremen, Vol.2, ISBN 3-8265-6085-X, 299-302, 1999.
- [10] O. Jusko, M. Neugebauer, H. Reimann, and R. Bernhardt, “State of the art in CMM based form measurement by multi-axis scanning,” Proc. XIth Int. Sci. Conf. Coordinate Measuring Technique, Bielsko-Biala, Poland, 2014.
- [11] O. Jusko, M. Neugebauer, H. Reimann, and R. Bernhardt, “Recent progress in CMM based form measurement,” Proc. 14th Int. Conf. of EuSPEN, ISBN 14: 978-0-9566790-3-1, Vol.2. S. 412-415.
- [12] M. Neugebauer, S. Bütefisch, T. Dziomba, S. Koslowski, and H. Reimann, “High-resolution investigation and application of diamond-coated probing spheres for CMM- and form metrology,” Proc. 13th Int. Conf. EuSPEN, Vol.1, ISBN 978-0-9566790-2-4, 75-78, 2013.
- [13] BIPM database, [accessed on February 20, 2015]
- [14] M. Neugebauer, “Uncertainty analysis for roundness measurements by the example of measurements on a glass hemisphere,” Measurement Science and Technology, Vol.12, No.1, pp. 68-76, 2001.
- [15] O. Jusko, M. Neugebauer, H. Reimann, P. Drabarek, M. Fleischer, and T. Gnausch, “Form Measurements by Optical and Tactile Scanning,” Proc. of SPIE, Proc. 5th Int. Symp. on Instrumentation Science and Technology (ISIST), 2008, ISBN 9780819473677
- [16] F. Lüdicke, O. Jusko, and H. Reimann, “Form and Length Measurements by Use of a Modified Commercial Form Measurement Instrument,” Proc. ASPE Annual Meeting 2000, ISBN 1-887706-24-0, 389-392.
- [17] O. Jusko, H. Bosse, D. Flack, B. Hemming, M. Pisani, and R. Thalmann, “A Comparison of Sensitivity Standards in Form Metrology – Final Results of the EURAMET Project 649,” Meas. Sci. Technol., Vol.23, 054006 (7pp), 2012.
- [18] O. Jusko, F. Lüdicke, and F. Wäldele, “High precision form measurements with coordinate measurement machines,” Proc. X. Int. Oberflächenkolloquium, Chemnitz, 2000, Shaker-Verlag Aachen, ISBN 3-8265-6999-7, 341-351.
- [19] F. A. Arenhardt, G. D. Donatelli, and M. De Campos Porath, “Minimization of the uneven sampling effects on evaluating roundness with coordinate measuring machines,” Proc. XIX IMEKo World Congress, 2009, ISBN 978-963-88410-0-1, 1796-1800
- [20] O. Jusko, H. Lüllmann, M. Neugebauer, and H. Reimann, “Improved technical implementation of an extended reversal calibration procedure for cylinders,” Proc. 2nd Int. Congress on Mechanical Metrology (II CIMMEC) and Metrologia 2011, Anais Proceedings (CD), ISBN 978-85-86920-08-0.
- [21] VDI 2631, Blatt 2, “Formprüfung – "Uberprüfung der Empfindlichkeit der Signalübertragungskette (Form measurement – Determination of the sensitivity of the signal transmission chain).
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