
IJAT Vol.7 No.6 pp. 742-750
doi: 10.20965/ijat.2013.p0742


Temperature Measurement in CFRP Milling Using a Wireless Tool-Integrated Process Monitoring Sensor

Kevin Kerrigan and Garret E. O’Donnell

Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Trinity College Dublin, College Green, Dublin 2, Ireland

April 26, 2013
September 9, 2013
November 5, 2013
tool sensor, temperature, wireless integrated sensor, process monitoring, CFRP milling
Interrupted, high-speed composite machining processes involving complex geometries in rotation remain without a robust and accurate temperature process-monitoring tool. In this investigation a novel wireless integrated thermocouple (WIT) sensor for low-temperature applications (<200°C) is characterised for tool-side temperature measurement in peripheral milling. The signal from the WIT sensor within the tool material is assessed and a parametric finite element (FE) model is generated to improve the accuracy of temperature measurement and infer characteristics of the thermal behaviour of the tool during cutting. The model is validated using a cuttinganalogous heat delivery experimental setup. Using the validated parametric model, heat fluxes and surface temperatures are investigated in a carbon-fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) edge trimming case study. The combination of the raw WIT response and the parametric model demonstrate an ability to improve the capability of the CFRP milling process by allowing for accurate tool-side prediction of temperatures for a range of machining parameters. Results demonstrate the performance of the WIT sensor with FE model incorporated for a CFRP edge trimming process.
Cite this article as:
K. Kerrigan and G. O’Donnell, “Temperature Measurement in CFRP Milling Using a Wireless Tool-Integrated Process Monitoring Sensor,” Int. J. Automation Technol., Vol.7 No.6, pp. 742-750, 2013.
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