
IJAT Vol.5 No.6 pp. 823-831
doi: 10.20965/ijat.2011.p0823


Prototype of Manipulator for Micro Objects Employing AZARASHI (Seal) Mechanism as Mobile Platforms

Katsushi Furutani and Taizo Makino

Department of Advanced Science and Technology, Toyota Technological Institute, 12-1 Hisakata 2-chome, Tempaku-ku, Nagoya 468-8511, Japan

March 12, 2011
August 3, 2011
November 5, 2011
piezoelectric actuator, visual feedback, mobile device, vacuum suction, positioning
This paper deals with an application of a small mobile device, “AZARASHI (seal) Mechanism” to a micromanipulation device. Pick-and-place tasks are very important in small-size-part manufacturing, printedcircuit board testing and biotechnological operations. A prototype of themicromanipulation device with four degrees of freedom was built. The device consists of an L-shaped AZARASHI device for the x-, y- and θ- motions, and a one-degree-of-freedom device used for the z-motion as mobile platforms. By an automatic sequence under visual feedback, glass beads were manipulated. A bright point observed with a videomicroscope was used instead of a target marker to position the stage for flexible usage. In order to trap a small glass bead, the air was gently sucked through a glass capillary. The stage was controlled to track the bright point by a binary image. Then the bead was placed by releasing the pressure to atmospheric one. Error factors were discussed through the evaluation of each step. The positioning accuracy of the stage was within 1 pixel. Adhesion of the beads on the capillary mainly decreased the total positioning accuracy.
Cite this article as:
K. Furutani and T. Makino, “Prototype of Manipulator for Micro Objects Employing AZARASHI (Seal) Mechanism as Mobile Platforms,” Int. J. Automation Technol., Vol.5 No.6, pp. 823-831, 2011.
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