
IJAT Vol.4 No.1 pp. 9-14
doi: 10.20965/ijat.2010.p0009

Development Report:

Development of Inline Micro-Deburring Applying Magnetic-Field-Assisted Polishing

Masahiro Anzai*1, Takeo Nakagawa*2,
Nobuhiro Yoshioka*3, and Shigeki Banno*3

*1Shibaura Institute of Technology, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan

*2FineTech Co., Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan

*3Panasonic Electric Works Co., Ltd., Kadoma, Osaka, Japan

September 28, 2009
November 9, 2009
January 5, 2010
automatic deburring, magnetic-field-assisted polishing
The ongoing miniaturization and increasing precision of machine parts have made minute burrs generated in shearing, cutting, and grinding, a serious problem and their elimination a vital necessity. With no currently efficient way of deburring metal parts made by press-forming thin sheet metal. We applied a polishing using magnetic abrasives to micro-deburring, and used this in actual production. Results showed that three-dimensionally formed thin sheet hoops can be deburred, and clarified that nonstop operator-free deburring lines can be put into actual operation at production sites. We also attempted deburring the outer blade of an electric shaver as a practical application, attaining excellent results.
Cite this article as:
M. Anzai, T. Nakagawa, N. Yoshioka, and S. Banno, “Development of Inline Micro-Deburring Applying Magnetic-Field-Assisted Polishing,” Int. J. Automation Technol., Vol.4 No.1, pp. 9-14, 2010.
Data files:
  1. [1] T. Shinmura, “Study on Magnetic Abrasive Finishing,” Japan Soc. of Prec. Engineers, Vol.21, No.2, 139, 1987.
  2. [2] M. Anzai, K. Masaki and T. Nakagawa, J. of the Japan Soc. of Grinding Engineers, Vol.33, No.4, 33, 1989.
  3. [3] M. Anzai and T. Nakagawa, J. of the Japan Soc. of Grinding Engineers, Vol.37, No.1, 42, 1993.

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