Human Blood Pressure Simulation for Stress Analysis in Model of Vasculature Using Photoelastic Effect
Carlos Tercero*1, 2, Seiichi Ikeda*1, Erick Tijerino*3, 2,
Motoki Matsushima*1, Toshio Fukuda*1, Makoto Negoro*4,
and Ikuo Takahashi*5
*1Micro-Nano Systems Engineering Department, Nagoya University, Furo-cho 1, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8603, Japan
*2Electronics Engineering Department, Del Valle de Guatemala University, 18 avenida 11-95 Zona 15, Guatemala City, Guatemala
*3Mechanical, Materials and Aerospace Engineering, University of Central Florida, 4000 Central Florida Blvd. Orlando, Florida 32816-2450, USA
*4Department of Neurosurgery, Fujita Health University, 1-98 Dengakugakubo, Kutsukake-cho, Toyoake, Aichi 470-1192, Japan
*5Department of Neurosurgery, Anjo Kosei Hospital, 28 Higashi Hirokute, Anjo-cho, Anjo, Aichi 446-8602, Japan
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