
JRM Most Downloaded Papers, Dec. 2024

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 - Vol.36
Automatic Generation of Dynamic Arousal Expression Based on Decaying Wave Synthesis for Robot Faces
Hisashi Ishihara, Rina Hayashi, Francois Lavieille, Kaito Okamoto, Takahiro Okuyama, and Koichi Osuka
dynamic facial expression, android robot, affective expression, autonomous system, arousal level
No.2 1 Vol.36
Proposal of UAV-SLAM-Based 3D Point Cloud Map Generation Method for Orchards Measurements
Soki Nishiwaki, Haruki Kondo, Shuhei Yoshida, and Takanori Emaru
UAV, 3D point cloud, SLAM, non-artificial objects environment
No.3 - Vol.36
Propulsion Method of Modular Robot Using Different Types of Locomotion Modules
Sakuya Ono and Yoshihisa Uchida
multi-purpose module system (MMS), modular robot, snake robot, wheel robot, redundant robot
No.4 6 Vol.36
One-Way-Signal-Based Localization Method of Multiple Autonomous Underwater Vehicles for Distributed Ocean Surveys
Takumi Matsuda, Yang Weng, Yuki Sekimori, Takashi Sakamaki, and Toshihiro Maki
autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV), multiple AUVs, underwater survey
No.5 - Vol.36
Grasping of Cylindrical Structures Using an Underwater Snake Robot Without Force/Torque Sensors and Actuator Waterproofing
Atsushi Kakogawa, Shah Darshankumar Rajendrakumar, and Yuto Iwasaki
underwater robot, snake robot, sensorless force control, interactive task
No.6 3 Vol.35
PYNet: Poseclass and Yaw Angle Output Network for Object Pose Estimation
Kohei Fujita and Tsuyoshi Tasaki
object pose estimation, world robot summit, deep neural network
No.7 - Vol.36
Evaluation of the Travel Efficiency of a Transformable Snake-Like Robot Utilizing Infinite Rotation Joint
Akio Yamano and Tsuyoshi Kimoto
biologically-inspired robots, snake-like robot, reconfigurable robot, travel efficiency
No.8 7 Vol.26
Development of the SCARA
Hiroshi Makino
assembly robot, SCARA, selective compliance
No.9 4 Vol.25
Design of Large Motion Range and Heavy Duty 2-DOF Spherical Parallel Wrist Mechanism
Koji Ueda, Hiroya Yamada, Hiroaki Ishida, and Shigeo Hirose
wrist mechanism, spherical linkage, large workspace, large load capacity
No.10 - Vol.34
Self-Localization of the Autonomous Robot for View-Based Navigation Using Street View Images
Nobuhiko Matsuzaki and Sadayoshi Mikami
autonomous robot, view-based navigation, self-localization, image matching, human cognition

Count period : December 1-31, 2024

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