
JACIII Most Downloaded Papers, Aug. 2024

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 5 Vol.28
Hazardous Chemicals Detection and Classification Through Millimeter Wave and Machine Learning
Lorena C. Ilagan and Elmer P. Dadios
hazardous chemicals, millimeter wave, machine learning, computational intelligence
No.2 3 Vol.28
Improved Pedestrian Detection Algorithm Based on YOLOv5s
Zhihua Li, Yuanbiao Zhang, Chao Wang, Guopeng Tan, and Yahui Yan
pedestrian detection, multiscale detection, lightweight convolutions, YOLOv5s
No.3 15 Vol.28
Impact of Financial Distress on the Capital Expenditure of Local Enterprises
Jie Sun, Mingyang Sun, and Ya-ni Sun
financial distress, delisting risk warning, local enterprises, capital expenditure, capital expenditure efficiency
No.4 9 Vol.28
Speech Feature Extraction in Broadcast Hosting Based on Fluctuating Equation Inversion
Chi Xu
speech, feature extraction, broadcast hosting art, fluctuating equation inversion, recitation
No.5 22 Vol.28
rain-t: Daily Rainfall Predictive Model Using 6-Gene Genetic Expression for Historical Data-Based Forecasting
Marvin Jade Genoguin, Ronnie S. Concepcion II, Andres Philip Mayol, Aristotle Ubando, Alvin Culaba, and Elmer P. Dadios
computational intelligence, data orchestration and transformation, multigene genetic programming, rainfall forecasting
No.6 10 Vol.28
A Multimodal Fusion Behaviors Estimation Method for Public Dangerous Monitoring
Renkai Hou, Xiangyang Xu, Yaping Dai, Shuai Shao, and Kaoru Hirota
group behavior recognition, speech emotion recognition, multimodal fusion, deep learning
No.7 8 Vol.28
Automatic Classification of Sleep-Wake States of Newborns Using Only Body and Face Videos
Yuki Ito, Kento Morita, Asami Matsumoto, Harumi Shinkoda, and Tetsushi Wakabayashi
convolutional neural network, time-series video analysis, machine learning, neonatal behavioral assessment scale
No.7 4 Vol.27
Beyond Sentiment Analysis: A Review of Recent Trends in Text Based Sentiment Analysis and Emotion Detection
Lai Po Hung and Suraya Alias
sentiment analysis, emotion detection, text, machine learning, deep learning
No.8 14 Vol.28
Income Inequality and Fertility Behavior: An Empirical Study on China
Weicong Wu and Xindong Zhao
income inequality, fertility behavior, income group
No.9 16 Vol.28
Design of an Intelligent Control System for Compound Directional Drilling in Underground Coal Mines
Wangnian Li, Min Wu, Shipeng Chen, Lingfeng Mu, Chengda Lu, and Luefeng Chen
compound directional drilling, control system, sliding deflection drilling, rotary inclined stabilization drilling
No.9 14 Vol.28
Digital Economy, Green Innovation and Urban-Rural Income Gap—Analysis Based on Prefecture-Level City Panel Data of China
Chengkun Liu, Mengyu Yan, and Minghong Zhang
digital economy, green innovation, urban-rural income gap, panel vector error correction model
No.9 6 Vol.28
Leakage Source Location of Hazardous Chemicals Based on the Improved Gray Wolf Optimization Algorithm
Zeng-Qiang Chen, Yi-Meng Wang, Cong-Cong Qi, and Shao-Kun Zheng
source inversion, Gaussian diffusion model, leakage source location, gray wolf optimization algorithm
No.10 21 Vol.28
Public Opinion Evolution Law and Sentiment Analysis of Campus Online Public Opinion Events
Zhengzhi Xu, Zi Ye, Haiyang Ye, Lijia Zhu, Ke Lu, Hong Quan, Jun Wang, Shanchuan Gu, Shangfeng Zhang, and Guodao Zhang
information systems, information retrieval, retrieval tasks and goals, sentiment analysis, public opinion analysis of campus
No.10 18 Vol.28
Policy Selection and Scheduling of Cyber-Physical Systems with Denial-of-Service Attacks via Reinforcement Learning
Zengwang Jin, Qian Li, Huixiang Zhang, Zhiqiang Liu, and Zhen Wang
cyber-physical systems, DoS attacks, multi-sensor, state estimation, policy selection and scheduling

Count period : August 1-31, 2024

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