
JACIII Most Downloaded Papers, May. 2024

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 - Vol.28
Research on the Messenger UAV Mission Planning Based on Sampling Transformation Algorithm
Benxiang Wang, Bin Xin, Yulong Ding, and Yang Li
urban environment, path planning, messenger mechanism, TSP
No.2 - Vol.28
Anti-Occlusion Visual Tracking Algorithm for UAVs with Multi-Feature Adaptive Fusion
Xiaohong Qiu, Xin Wu, and Cong Xu
correlation filtering, visual object tracking, multi-feature adaptive fusion, anti-occlusion, UAV
No.3 2 Vol.28
Greeting Gesture Classification Using Machine Learning Based on Politeness Perspective in Japan
Angga Wahyu Wibowo, Kurnianingsih, Azhar Aulia Saputra, Eri Sato-Shimokawara, Yasufumi Takama, and Naoyuki Kubota
greeting, gesture, culture, bowing, waving hand
No.4 - Vol.28
Leakage Source Location of Hazardous Chemicals Based on the Improved Gray Wolf Optimization Algorithm
Zeng-Qiang Chen, Yi-Meng Wang, Cong-Cong Qi, and Shao-Kun Zheng
source inversion, Gaussian diffusion model, leakage source location, gray wolf optimization algorithm
No.4 1 Vol.28
Deep Convolutional Neural Networks Based on Knowledge Distillation for Offline Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition
Hongli He, Zongnan Zhu, Zhuo Li, and Yongping Dan
deep convolutional neural networks, handwritten Chinese character recognition, attention mechanism, knowledge distillation
No.5 - Vol.28
The Micro-Effect of Monetary Policy on the Misallocation of Credit
Fan Wu and Ridong Hu
monetary policy shock, heterogeneous enterprise, credit allocation
No.6 - Vol.28
Style Migration Based on the Loss Function of Location Information
Tao Wang, Jie Chen, and Xianqiang Gao
style transfer, artificial intelligence, style loss, convolutional neural network, location information
No.6 6 Vol.27
Beyond Sentiment Analysis: A Review of Recent Trends in Text Based Sentiment Analysis and Emotion Detection
Lai Po Hung and Suraya Alias
sentiment analysis, emotion detection, text, machine learning, deep learning
No.7 - Vol.28
Effect of Different Measurement Tasks on the Frequency of Microsaccades
Toumi Ohara and Fumiya Kinoshita
covert attention, fixational eye movement, microsaccades, interval of occurrence, gaze point
No.8 - Vol.28
A Multimodal Fusion Behaviors Estimation Method for Public Dangerous Monitoring
Renkai Hou, Xiangyang Xu, Yaping Dai, Shuai Shao, and Kaoru Hirota
group behavior recognition, speech emotion recognition, multimodal fusion, deep learning
No.8 8 Vol.28
Document-Level Relation Extraction with Uncertainty Pseudo-Label Selection and Hard-Sample Focal Loss
Hongbin Wang, Shuning Yu, and Yantuan Xian
information extraction, relationship extraction, pseudo label
No.8 16 Vol.26
Influence of China’s Population Aging on Household Consumption – Based on the Data from China Family Panel Studies
Lizhen Chen and Xindong Zhao
aging population, household consumption, China Family Panel Studies
No.9 - Vol.28
Student Progression and Dropout Rates Using Convolutional Neural Network: A Case Study of the Arab Open University
Mohamed Sayed
artificial intelligence, convolutional neural network, deep learning, dropout prediction, student learning and management systems
No.9 - Vol.28
Quality Evaluation of Road Surface Markings with Uncertainty Aware Regression and Progressive Pretraining
Mehieddine Boudissa, Hiroharu Kawanaka, and Tetsushi Wakabayashi
road surface marking, uncertainty aware, CNN
No.9 8 Vol.28
Applying LSTM and GRU Methods to Recognize and Interpret Hand Gestures, Poses, and Face-Based Sign Language in Real Time
Amil Ahmad Ilham, Ingrid Nurtanio, Ridwang, and Syafaruddin
hand gesture, sign language, long short time memory, gated recurrent unit, real time
No.10 - Vol.28
3D Ship Hull Design Direct Optimization Using Generative Adversarial Network
Luan Thanh Trinh, Tomoki Hamagami, and Naoya Okamoto
ship hull design, design optimization, generative adversarial network
No.10 - Vol.28
Selecting Pedal Load for Lower-Limb Rehabilitation Based on the Combination of Muscle Synergy and Fourier Series
Shigeki Kuroda, Jinhua She, Sota Nakamuro, Rennong Wang, Daisuke Chugo, Keio Ishiguro, Hiromi Sakai, and Hiroshi Hashimoto
cosine similarity, muscle synergy, non-negative matrix factorization, rehabilitation machine, surface electromyography
No.10 - Vol.28
FFD-SLAM: A Real-Time Visual SLAM Toward Dynamic Scenes with Semantic and Optical Flow Information
Hao Zhang, Yu Wang, Tianjie Zhong, Fangyan Dong, and Kewei Chen
dynamic object detection, optical flow filtering, image feature points elimination, SLAM algorithm
No.10 - Vol.28
Study on Master-Slave Game Optimization Operation of Integrated Energy Microgrid Considering PV Output Uncertainty and Shared Energy Storage
Kai Kang, Yunlong Zhang, Yijun Miu, Qi Gao, Kaiwen Chen, and Zihan Zeng
integrated energy microgrids, shared energy storage, master-slave game, comprehensive electric heating requirements

Count period : May 1-31, 2024

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