
JACIII Most Downloaded Papers, Apr. 2019

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 - Vol.21
Approach to Clustering with Variance-Based XCS
Caili Zhang, Takato Tatsumi, Masaya Nakata, and Keiki Takadama
machine learning, learning classifier system
No.2 - Vol.16
Representing Visual Complexity of Images Using a 3D Feature Space Based on Structure, Noise, and Diversity
Phuc Q. Le, Abdullah M. Iliyasu, Jesus A. Garcia Sanchez, Fangyan Dong, and Kaoru Hirota
image processing, feature space, clustering algorithm, fuzzy inference system, visual complexity
No.3 6 Vol.23
Changes in Body Representation of the Human Upper Limb as a Function of Movement and Visual Hand Position
Shunsuke Hamasaki, Qi An, Wen Wen, Yusuke Tamura, Hiroshi Yamakawa, Satoshi Unenaka, Satoshi Shibuya, Yukari Ohki, Atsushi Yamashita, and Hajime Asama
body awareness, body representation, proprioceptive drift, sense of ownership, sense of agency
No.3 1 Vol.21
A Review of Data Mining Techniques and Applications
Ratchakoon Pruengkarn, Kok Wai Wong, and Chun Che Fung
data mining, data mining techniques, data mining application, big data
No.4 - Vol.23
A Common Spatial Pattern and Wavelet Packet Decomposition Combined Method for EEG-Based Emotion Recognition
Jingxia Chen, Dongmei Jiang, and Yanning Zhang
EEG, common spatial pattern, wavelet packet decomposition, emotion recognition, SVM
No.4 4 Vol.17
Evaluating Instantaneous Psychological Stress from Emotional Composition of a Facial Expression
Suvashis Das and Koichi Yamada
psychological stress, emotion, FACS, hidden markov model (HMM)
No.4 - Vol.23
Customer Value Co-Creation Behavior Effects on Online Purchase Intention
Yaqin Liu and Xinxing Luo
value co-creation, purchase intention, customer participation behavior, customer citizenship behavior
No.4 6 Vol.23
Feature Extraction of Foam Nickel Surface Based on Multi-Scale Texture Analysis
Jianqi Li, Binfang Cao, Fangyan Nie, and Minhan Zhu
foam nickel, texture features, defect recognition, NSCT, DAG-SVM
No.5 7 Vol.22
Power Curve Based-Fuzzy Wind Speed Estimation in Wind Energy Conversion Systems
Agus Naba and Ahmad Nadhir
sensorless wind speed estimation, fuzzy logic principles, wind power, wind energy conversion system, wind turbines
No.5 - Vol.22
Motion Control of 6-DOF Manipulator Based on EtherCAT
Nannan Li, Hongbin Ma, Qing Fei, Hao Zhou, Shaoke Li, and Sunjie Chen
EtherCAT, manipulator, trajectory planning, motion control
No.5 3 Vol.21
A Survey of Video-Based Crowd Anomaly Detection in Dense Scenes
Junjie Ma, Yaping Dai, and Kaoru Hirota
survey, anomaly detection, dense crowd scenes, crowd density estimation, abnormal event detection

Count period : April 1-30, 2019

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