
JACIII Most Downloaded Papers, May 2018

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 1 Vol.22
Power-Regularized Fuzzy Clustering for Spherical Data
Yuchi Kanzawa
fuzzy clustering, spherical data, power-regularization
No.2 - Vol.22
Gain-Scheduled for Aerial Vehicle Autopilot Design Using Fixed-Structure Synthesis
Bin Li, Defu Lin, Song Tian, and Zhe Yang
gain-scheduled, fixed-structure synthesis, aerial vehicle autopilot, hidden coupling terms, gain surface tuning
No.3 - Vol.22
Clustering-Based Cloud Migration Strategies
Mubeen Aslam, Lukman bin AB Rahim, Junzo Watada, and Manzoor Hashmani
cloud migration, legacy application, migration strategies, migration strategy selection process
No.4 5 Vol.22
A Novel Animation Method Based on Mesh Decimation
Qiyun Sun, Wanggen Wan, Xiang Feng, and Guoliang Chen
computer animation, mesh decimation, 3D Studio Max, real-time, deformation
No.4 4 Vol.21
A Review of Data Mining Techniques and Applications
Ratchakoon Pruengkarn, Kok Wai Wong, and Chun Che Fung
data mining, data mining techniques, data mining application, big data
No.5 3 Vol.21
A Survey of Video-Based Crowd Anomaly Detection in Dense Scenes
Junjie Ma, Yaping Dai, and Kaoru Hirota
survey, anomaly detection, dense crowd scenes, crowd density estimation, abnormal event detection
No.5 5 Vol.21
Evaluation of Swallowing Sound Using a Throat Microphone with an AE Sensor in Patients Wearing Palatal Augmentation Prosthesis
Ayuko Kamiyanagi, Yuka Sumita, Manabu Chikai, Kenta Kimura, Yoshikazu Seki, Shuichi Ino, and Hisashi Taniguchi
swallowing sounds, acoustic analysis, acoustic emission (AE) sensor, cervical auscultation, palatal augmentation prosthesis (PAP)

Count period : May 1 - 31, 2018

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