
JACIII Most Downloaded Papers, Jan. 2018

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 1 Vol.20
PSO-SVR-Based Resource Demand Prediction in Cloud Computing
Zhengfa Zhu, Jun Peng, Zhuofu Zhou, Xiaoyong Zhang, and Zhiwu Huang
cloud computing, resource usage prediction, support vector regression, particle swarm optimization
No.2 - Vol.10
Application of Fuzzy Inference Method in Printing Pressure State Expectation System
Jianping Jing, Yasufumi Takama, and Toru Yamaguchi
fuzzy inference method, fuzzy membership function, printing pressure control, feature abstraction, image processing
No.3 - Vol.21
Extracting Initial Iterative Control Signal Based on Trajectory Primitives Matching and Combining
Jianming Xu, Lingxin Kong, and Yaodong Wang
iterative learning control, initial iterative control signal, trajectory primitive, optimal matching and combining algorithm, combined primitive sequence
No.4 - Vol.22
Suitable Aggregation Models Based on Risk Preferences for Supplier Selection and Order Allocation Problem
Sirin Suprasongsin, Pisal Yenradee, Van-Nam Huynh, and Chayakrit Charoensiriwath
fuzzy multiple objective linear programming, aggregation operators, risk preferences of decision makers, supplier selection and order allocation
No.4 3 Vol.21
A Survey of Video-Based Crowd Anomaly Detection in Dense Scenes
Junjie Ma, Yaping Dai, and Kaoru Hirota
survey, anomaly detection, dense crowd scenes, crowd density estimation, abnormal event detection
No.5 - Vol.22
Enhanced Service Discovery Model for Wireless Mesh Networks
Lungisani Ndlovu, Okuthe P. Kogeda, and Manoj Lall
service discovery models, QoS, ACO, PSO, WMNs
No.5 5 Vol.21
Time-Series Data Analysis Using Sliding Window Based SVD for Motion Evaluation
Yinlai Jiang, Isao Hayashi, Shuoyu Wang, and Kenji Ishida
singular value decomposition, time-series data analysis, sliding window, motion analysis, walking difficulty evaluation

Count period : January 1 - 31, 2018

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