
JACIII Most Downloaded Papers, Dec. 2017

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 8 Vol.21
A Review of Data Mining Techniques and Applications
Ratchakoon Pruengkarn, Kok Wai Wong, and Chun Che Fung
data mining, data mining techniques, data mining application, big data
No.2 - Vol.21
Consistent Conjectural Variations Equilibrium in a Semi-Mixed Duopoly
Vitaliy V. Kalashnikov, José G. Flores-Muñiz, Vyacheslav V. Kalashnikov, and Nataliya I. Kalashnykova
game theory, mixed duopoly, conjectural variations equilibrium (CVE), consistent conjectures, optimal socialization level
No.2 - Vol.20
PSO-SVR-Based Resource Demand Prediction in Cloud Computing
Zhengfa Zhu, Jun Peng, Zhuofu Zhou, Xiaoyong Zhang, and Zhiwu Huang
cloud computing, resource usage prediction, support vector regression, particle swarm optimization
No.3 - Vol.17
Spectral Classification of Oral and Nasal Snoring Sounds Using a Support Vector Machine
Tsuyoshi Mikami, Yohichiro Kojima, Kazuya Yonezawa, Masahito Yamamoto, and Masashi Furukawa
support vector machine, snoring sound, sleep apnea syndrome, pattern classification
No.4 6 Vol.21
Exploitation-Oriented Learning with Deep Learning – Introducing Profit Sharing to a Deep Q-Network –
Kazuteru Miyazaki
reinforcement learning, deep learning, deep reinforcement learning, profit sharing, deep Q-network
No.4 2 Vol.21
A Survey of Video-Based Crowd Anomaly Detection in Dense Scenes
Junjie Ma, Yaping Dai, and Kaoru Hirota
survey, anomaly detection, dense crowd scenes, crowd density estimation, abnormal event detection
No.4 10 Vol.20
An Adaptive Fast Charging Strategy for LiFePO4 Battery Applied to Heavy-Haul Train ECP Brake System
Liran Li, Zhiwu Huang, Xiaohui Gong, Jun Peng, and Yanhui Zhou
SOC estimation, lithium battery, adaptive fast charging strategy, sliding-mode observer
No.4 - Vol.21
Pseudospectral Real-Time Optimal Energy Control with Safety Constraints for Heavy-Haul Trains
Rui Zhang, Jun Peng, Bin Chen, Hongtao Liao, and Zhiwu Huang
energy-efficient, safety, optimal control, radau pseudospectral method
No.5 10 Vol.21
Retinal Blood Vessel Segmentation Using Extreme Learning Machine
Fan Guo, Da Xiang, Beiji Zou, Chengzhang Zhu, and Shengnan Wang
retinal image, vessel segmentation, Extreme Learning Machine (ELM), Gabor filter, Hessian matrix, bottom-hat transformation
No.5 9 Vol.21
Noise Rejection in MMMs-Induced Fuzzy Co-Clustering
Katsuhiro Honda, Nami Yamamoto, Seiki Ubukata, and Akira Notsu
fuzzy clustering, co-clustering, noise rejection
No.5 - Vol.19
App Controllable Intelligent Desk Lamp System
Yu Ping Liao, Ruei Chang Lu, Pang Tzu Liu, Jing Xiang Cao, and Ko Chi Wei
FPGA, intelligent desk lamp, image processing, 3D printer, servo motor control
No.5 3 Vol.21
Mobile Game-Based Learning with a Mobile App: Motivational Effects and Learning Performance
Yu-Lan Huang, Dian-Fu Chang, and Berlin Wu
mobile game-based learning (MGBL), mobile apps, ubiquitous learning, motivational effects, vocabulary acquisition
No.5 - Vol.21
An Improved Rumor Routing Protocol Based on Optimized Intersection Angle Theory and Localization Technologies in WSN
Zhuang Liu, Xin Feng, Jing Zhang, Yan Liu, Jianfei Zhang, and Xin Zhang
WSN, rumor routing, intersection angle, localization, network lifecycle
No.5 9 Vol.21
Interactive Surgery System with 3D Electromagnetic Motion Tracker for Training Surgeons in Skin Cutting Skills Needed in Total Knee Arthroplasty
Yosuke Uozumi and Kouki Nagamune
total knee arthroplasty, surgical training system, computer-aided surgery

Count period : December 1 - 31, 2017

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