
JACIII Most Downloaded Papers, Sep. 2017

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 - Vol.21
A Review of Data Mining Techniques and Applications
Ratchakoon Pruengkarn, Kok Wai Wong, and Chun Che Fung
data mining, data mining techniques, data mining application, big data
No.2 - Vol.20
Mining Visual Phrases for Visual Robot Localization
Kanji Tanaka, Yuuto Chokushi, and Masatoshi Ando
long-term visual SLAM, common pattern discovery, mining visual phrases
No.3 - Vol.18
Artificial Neural Networks for Earthquake Anomaly Detection
Aditya Sriram, Shahryar Rahanamayan, and Farid Bourennani
artificial neural networks, ANN, earthquake anomalies detection, precursor, earthquake prediction
No.3 - Vol.20
Pruned Fast Learning Fuzzy Approach for Data-Driven Traffic Flow Prediction
Chengdong Li, Yisheng Lv, Jianqiang Yi, and Guiqing Zhang
traffic flow prediction, data-driven method, fuzz system, extreme learning method, fuzzy rule pruning
No.3 - Vol.20
Signal Processing on Precursory “Fingerprint” Image Pattern Feature of Yushu Earthquake
Yue Yang, Wei Liu, Zuoxun Zeng, and Wei Xue
earthquake, precursory data, fingerprint
No.4 - Vol.19
Multi-Robot Behavior Adaptation to Humans’ Intention in Human-Robot Interaction Using Information-Driven Fuzzy Friend-Q Learning
Lue-Feng Chen, Zhen-Tao Liu, Min Wu, Fangyan Dong, and Kaoru Hirota
human-robot interaction, Q-learning, behavior adaptation, intention understanding, information-driven

Count period : September 1 - 30, 2017

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