
JACIII Most Downloaded Papers, July 2016

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 - Vol.16
A Person Identification Method Using a Top-View Head Image from an Overhead Camera
Ryota Nakatani, Daichi Kouno, Kazutaka Shimada, and Tsutomu Endo
top-view images, person identification, histograms of oriented gradients
No.2 - Vol.16
The Analysis of Consumer Purchasing Behavior on Cosmetics
Ya-Ling Wu and You-Shyang Chen
consumer, consumer behavior, consumer purchasing behavior, cosmetics
No.2 - Vol.18
Weather Forecasting Using Artificial Neural Network and Bayesian Network
Klent Gomez Abistado, Catherine N. Arellano, and Elmer A. Maravillas
artificial neural networks, backpropagation, bayesian network, weather forecast, PAG-ASA
No.2 - Vol.20
Improved Object Recognition with Decision Trees Using Subspace Clustering
Billy Peralta and Luis Alberto Caro
decision trees, object recognition, subspace clustering, random forest
No.2 - Vol.20
Impact Time Control Guidance Law Considering Seeker's Field-of-View Constraint Without Time-to-Go Information
Zhe Yang, Defu Lin, and Luyao Zang
impact time control, field-of-view, time-to-go, sliding mode control, salvo attack
No.2 - Vol.20
A Review of Recent Developments in Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics
Jianqi An, Xin Chen, Min Wu, and Jinhua She
fuzzy logic, clustering, image processing, intelligent optimization, intelligent modeling and control

Count period : July 1-31, 2016

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