
JDR Most Downloaded Papers, Nov. 2024

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 4 Vol.1
Seismic Design Codes for Buildings in Japan
Hiroshi Kuramoto
the Building Standard Law of Japan, seismic design code, two-phase earthquake design, performance based earthquake design
No.2 2 Vol.8
A New Ground Motion Prediction Equation for Japan Applicable up to M9 Mega-Earthquake
Nobuyuki Morikawa and Hiroyuki Fujiwara
ground motion prediction equation, the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, seismic hazard assessment
No.3 - Vol.17
Verification of Damage Caused by the Genroku Earthquake and Tsunami from Tomb Stones
Hiroyuki Kaneko
Genroku earthquake and tsunami, tsunami victims, tomb stones, Buddhist names
No.4 15 Vol.17
Mitigating Impacts of Climate Change Induced Sea Level Rise by Infrastructure Development: Case of the Maldives
Akiko Sakamoto, Koichi Nishiya, Xuanjin Guo, Airi Sugimoto, Waka Nagasaki, and Kaito Doi
sea level rise, atoll country, migration, Hulhumalé, Maldives
No.5 14 Vol.19
The 2019 Rugby World Cup and Economic Impacts on Hotels Recovering from Disasters
David N. Nguyen
disasters, hotels, mega-events, tourism, COVID-19
No.6 27 Vol.8
Application of the Probability Evaluation for the Seasonal Reservoir Operation on Flood Mitigation and Water Supply in the Chao Phraya River Watershed, Thailand
Daisuke Komori, Cherry May Mateo, Akane Saya, Shinichiro Nakamura, Masashi Kiguchi, Phonchai Klinkhachorn, Thada Sukhapunnaphan, Adisorn Champathong, Kimio Takeya, and TaikanOki
dam reservoir operation, probability evaluation of discharge volume, flood mitigation, water resources reservation, Chao Phraya River
No.7 - Vol.14
Development of Resilient Information and Communications Technology for Relief Against Natural Disasters
Hiroshi Kumagai, Hiroshi Sakurauchi, Shinsuke Koitabashi, Takeaki Uchiyama, Shinichi Sasaki, Kazuhide Noda, Makoto Ishizaki, Satoshi Kotabe, Atsushi Yamamoto, Yoshitaka Shimizu, Yasuo Suzuki, Yasunori Owada, Katsuhiro Temma, Goshi Sato, Toshiaki Miyazaki, Peng Li, Yuichi Kawamoto, Nei Kato, and Hiroki Nishiyama
message distribution with V-Low broadcasting, multilingual early warning mail, portable ICT unit, NerveNet mesh network, expand access network areas
No.8 7 Vol.19
Development of the Volcanic Disaster Risk Reduction Education Program Using the ICT Tool “YOU@RISK Volcanic Disaster Edition” —Practical Verification at a Junior High School in the Mt. Nasu Area—
Toshimitsu Nagata, Tai-Young Yi, Reo Kimura, and Masaki Ikeda
volcanic disaster, instructional design (ID), ICT education, YOU@RISK, disaster risk reduction education program
No.9 12 Vol.18
Reconsideration of Urbanization in Tokyo Metropolitan Area Since 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake from the Perspective of Exposure
Osamu Murao, Kyota Fujiwara, Haruna Kato, Fumitake Yonemura, Keiko Inagaki, and Kimiro Meguro
1923 Great Kanto Earthquake, urban disaster risk, fire spread, Tokyo, densely inhabited district (DID)
No.10 20 Vol.18
Evaluation of Tsunami Disasters Caused by the 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake
Hiroyuki Kaneko
disaster prevention, earthquake, tsunami, flood, business continuity planning (BCP)
No.10 9 Vol.17
Cooperation Among Public Health Nurses in Municipalities and at Public Health Centers for Infection Control at Evacuation Shelters
Junko Kurita and Shinobu Yamaguchi
cooperation, evacuation shelter, infection control, public health center, public health nurse
No.10 27 Vol.15
Characteristics of the 2018 Bago River Flood of Myanmar
Daisuke Komori, Akiyuki Kawasaki, Nanami Sakai, Natsumi Shimomura, Akira Harada, Kohei Okuda, Chit Bo Bo Win, Aye Myat Thu, Khin Yadanar Tun, Wai Toe, and Win Win Zin
2018 Bago river flood, Bago river, satellite-based precipitation, record-high precipitation, dam reservoirs

Count period : November 1-30, 2024

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