
JDR Most Downloaded Papers, Oct. 2024

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 - Vol.19
Inundation Processes with Active Sediment Transportation in the Floodplain of West Rapti River, Nepal
Narayan Prasad Subedi, Atsuhiro Yorozuya, and Shinji Egashira
flood disasters, flood flow, sediment transportation, sediment erosion and deposition, damage assessment
No.2 6 Vol.8
A New Ground Motion Prediction Equation for Japan Applicable up to M9 Mega-Earthquake
Nobuyuki Morikawa and Hiroyuki Fujiwara
ground motion prediction equation, the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, seismic hazard assessment
No.3 - Vol.19
Quality Assessment of Multiple UAV-SfM DEMs Derived for Impact Assessment of a Co-Seismic Avalanche in the Himalayas
Sojiro Sunako, Koji Fujita, Satoru Yamaguchi, Hiroshi Inoue, Walter W. Immerzeel, Takeki Izumi, and Rijan B. Kayastha
unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), digital elevation model (DEM), quality assessment
No.4 3 Vol.1
Seismic Design Codes for Buildings in Japan
Hiroshi Kuramoto
the Building Standard Law of Japan, seismic design code, two-phase earthquake design, performance based earthquake design
No.5 - Vol.19
Difference of Soil Thickness Depending on Climate Zones and Geological Classification: Based on a Survey of Mountain Slopes in Japan
Hiromi Akita
soil thickness, climate zone, geological classification, probability density function, handy penetration test
No.6 - Vol.19
ISUT’s Information Support Activities in the Heavy Rain Since July 1, 2021
Ryota Sato, Kazushiro Yoshimori, Satoru Yusa, and Yuichiro Usuda
the heavy rain since July 1, 2021, Information Support Team (ISUT), disaster response activity, information sharing, common operational picture
No.7 - Vol.19
Development of the Volcanic Disaster Risk Reduction Education Program Using the ICT Tool “YOU@RISK Volcanic Disaster Edition” —Practical Verification at a Junior High School in the Mt. Nasu Area—
Toshimitsu Nagata, Tai-Young Yi, Reo Kimura, and Masaki Ikeda
volcanic disaster, instructional design (ID), ICT education, YOU@RISK, disaster risk reduction education program
No.8 - Vol.19
Progress and Challenges Toward Coherence Among Disaster Risk Reduction, Climate Change Adaptation, and Sustainable Development
Ritsuko Yamazaki-Honda
Sendai Framework, SDGs, climate change adaptation, disaster-related statistics, national DRR strategy
No.8 14 Vol.19
Ticketing and Crowd Management System for Attraction Facilities: An Aquarium Case Study
Yoshiaki Nakagawa, Yukari Abe, and Masami Isobe
tourist attractions, variable pricing, crowd management, revenue management, forecasting
No.9 13 Vol.17
Cooperation Among Public Health Nurses in Municipalities and at Public Health Centers for Infection Control at Evacuation Shelters
Junko Kurita and Shinobu Yamaguchi
cooperation, evacuation shelter, infection control, public health center, public health nurse
No.10 - Vol.19
Proposal of an Effective Way of Rescuing People from a Cable Car
Miroslav Betuš, Martin Konček, Marian Šofranko, Gabriel Wittenberger, and Jozef Čambál
evacuation, rescue, cable car, integrated rescue system

Count period : October 1-31, 2024

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