
JDR Most Downloaded Papers, Jul. 2020

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 1 Vol.15
The Disaster-Management Capabilities of Local Governments: A Case Study in Indonesia
Danang Insita Putra and Mihoko Matsuyuki
local governmental capability, disaster management, municipality, structural equation modeling
No.2 5 Vol.15
Justification of Possible Casualty-Reduction Countermeasures Based on Global Tsunami Hazard Assessment for Tsunami-Prone Regions over the Past 400 Years
Takuro Otake, Constance Ting Chua, Anawat Suppasri, and Fumihiko Imamura
tsunami, hazard assessment, countermeasures, disaster management, global scale
No.3 2 Vol.15
Trends of Tweets on the Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic
Natt Leelawat, Jing Tang, Kumpol Saengtabtim, and Ampan Laosunthara
COVID-19, novel Coronavirus 2019, social networking services, quantitative text analysis, Twitter
No.4 3 Vol.15
Evacuation Behavior: Why Do Some People Never Evacuate to a Cyclone Shelter During an Emergency? A Case Study of Coastal Bangladesh
Swarnali Chakma and Akihiko Hokugo
cyclone, emergency response, evacuation, disaster preparedness, cyclone shelter
No.5 8 Vol.15
Considerations on Relationship Between Central and Local Governments During Huge Disasters – Necessity and Application of Special Rules on Evacuation Measures and Relief –
Tetsuo Murota and Fumio Takeda
huge disaster, emergency provisions, disaster emergency measures, relationship between the Central and local governments, special rules
No.5 9 Vol.15
Development of Flood Damage Estimation Model for Agriculture – Case Study in the Bago Floodplain, Myanmar
Shelly Win, Win Win Zin, and Akiyuki Kawasaki
flood damage estimation, agriculture, stage-damage function, reducing damage cost

Count period : July 1-31, 2020

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