
JDR Most Downloaded Papers, Mar. 2020

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 - Vol.15
Evaluation of Phenomena Preceding Earthquakes and Earthquake Predictability
Masao Nakatani
earthquake predictability, forecast, probability gain, precursor, trigger
No.2 - Vol.10
Developing a Web-Based Platform to Share Disaster Risk Reduction Technology
Young-Jai Lee
DRR, technology sharing, platform, architecture, governance
No.3 5 Vol.15
Developing a Disaster Management Education and Training Program for Children with Intellectual Disabilities to Improve “Zest for Life” in the Event of a Disaster - A Case Study on Tochigi Prefectural Imaichi Special School for the Intellectually Disabled –
Toshimitsu Nagata and Reo Kimura
intellectual disability, special support education, disaster management education/training program, instructional design (ID), earthquake early warning (EEW)
No.3 11 Vol.13
Scientific Communication
Coastal Subsidence Induced Several Tsunamis During the 2018 Sulawesi Earthquake
Taro Arikawa, Abdul Muhari, Yoshihiro Okumura, Yuji Dohi, Bagus Afriyanto, Karina Aprilia Sujatmiko, and Fumihiko Imamura
earthquake, tsunami, Sulawesi, field survey, subsidence
No.4 - Vol.15
Main Results from the Program Promotion Panel for Subduction-Zone Earthquakes
Kazushige Obara and Takuya Nishimura
subduction zone earthquake, slow earthquake, intraslab earthquake, infrequent huge earthquake
No.5 13 Vol.11
The School Education to Improve the Disaster Response Capacity : A Case of “Kamaishi Miracle”
Toshitaka Katada and Masanobu Kanai
Kamaishi Miracle, disaster education, evacuation, tsunamis

Count period : March 1-31, 2020

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