
JDR Most Downloaded Papers, Jan.-Feb. 2017

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 - Vol.12
Proposing A Multi-Hazard Approach to Disaster Management Education to Enhance Children’s “Zest for Life”: Development of Disaster Management Education Programs to Be Practiced by Teachers
Toshimitsu Nagata and Reo Kimura
Earthquake Early Warning, tornado disaster, general policies regarding curriculum formulation, package of decision-making process, disaster response exercise
No.2 - Vol.12
Developing a Web-Based Supporting Application for Individual Evacuation Plans Through Hazard Risk and Geographical Analyses
Munenari Inoguchi, Takahiro Sekikawa, and Keiko Tamura
community disaster management plan, evacuation route, tsunami disaster, web-based GIS, Niigata city
No.3 - Vol.1
Seismic Design Codes for Buildings in Japan
Hiroshi Kuramoto
the Building Standard Law of Japan, seismic design code, two-phase earthquake design, performance based earthquake design
No.3 - Vol.4
Tsunami Bore Impingement onto a Vertical Column
Halldor Arnason, Catherine Petroff, and Harry Yeh
tsunamis, bore, wake, turbulence, force, method of characteristics, cylinder, column
No.3 - Vol.10
Flood Control Mechanism of Multiple Dams Constructed in a Series Based on Cascade Method
Hideo Oshikawa and Toshimitsu Komatsu
Cascade method, flood control, dry dam, overflow, empirical formula
No.3 - Vol.12
Development of a “Disaster Management Literacy Hub” for Collecting, Creating, and Transmitting Disaster Management Content to Increase Disaster Management Literacy
Reo Kimura, Haruo Hayashi, Kosuke Kobayashi, Takahiro Nishino, Kenshin Urabe, and Satoshi Inoue
disaster management literacy hub (DMLH), competencies for disaster responses, education and training, instructional design (ID), learning objectives
No.4 - Vol.7
Government’s Response to the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami
Atsushi Koresawa
Great East Japan Earthquake, Hyogo Framework for Action, tsunami, response, recovery
No.4 - Vol.8
The 2011 Tohoku Tsunami Flow Velocity Estimation by the Aerial Video Analysis and Numerical Modeling
Satomi Hayashi and Shunichi Koshimura
the 2011 Tohoku earthquake tsunami, numerical modeling, tsunami flow velocity, aerial video, remote sensing
No.4 - Vol.8
A New Ground Motion Prediction Equation for Japan Applicable up to M9 Mega-Earthquake
Nobuyuki Morikawa and Hiroyuki Fujiwara
ground motion prediction equation, the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, seismic hazard assessment
No.4 - Vol.9
Development of Building Inventory Data and Earthquake Damage Estimation in Lima, Peru for Future Earthquakes
Masashi Matsuoka, Shun Mito, Saburoh Midorikawa, Hiroyuki Miura, Luis G. Quiroz, Yoshihisa Maruyama, and Miguel Estrada
building inventory data, earthquake damage estimation, census data, fragility curve, socio-economic class, satellite imagery
No.4 - Vol.11
Quantitative Text Analysis of Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030
Osamu Murao and Hiroko Sakaba
IDNDR, Yokohama Strategy, ISDR, Hyogo Framework for Action 2000-2015, KH Coder
No.4 - Vol.11
Influence of Openings and Orientation on Tsunami Generated Forces on Buildings
Chathura Manawasekara, Norimi Mizutani, and Satoru Aoki
tsunami evacuation buildings, tsunami force, building openings, building orientation
No.4 - Vol.11
Accuracy of Quantitative Precipitation Estimation Using Operational Weather Radars: A Case Study of Heavy Rainfall on 9–10 September 2015 in the East Kanto Region, Japan
Shakti P. C., Ryohei Misumi, Tsuyoshi Nakatani, Koyuru Iwanami, Masayuki Maki, Takeshi Maesaka, and Kohin Hirano
heavy rainfall, radar rainfall, rain gauge, spatial and temporal variation, frequency distribution
No.4 - Vol.11
Implementation of Real-Time Flood Prediction and its Application to Dam Operations by Data Integration Analysis System
Yoshihiro Shibuo, Eiji Ikoma, Oliver Saavedra Valeriano, Lei Wang, Peter Lawford, Masaru Kitsuregawa, and Toshio Koike
data-archive and model integrated system, flood forecast, ensemble streamflow prediction, virtual reservoir simulator
No.4 - Vol.12
Efficiency Evaluation of Standard Operating Procedures in a Disaster Information System
Tomohiro Kokogawa, Yuji Maeda, Fumiaki Ichinose, Masahiro Sugiyama, Tomomi Yamamoto, and Haruo Hayashi
standard operating procedures, ICS, free-style information
No.4 - Vol.12
Disaster Information System Using Natural Language Processing
Naoko Kosaka, Akira Koyama, Tomohiro Kokogawa, Yuji Maeda, Hiroko Koumoto, Shingo Suzuki, Kenshi Yamaguchi, and Kentaro Inui
natural language processing, incident response, activity log, SOP (Standard Operating Procedure)
No.4 - Vol.12
People Who Cannot Move During a Disaster – Initiatives and Examples in Japan Disaster Victim Support
Eiichi Yamasaki and Haruo Hayashi
disaster victim support, vulnerability, immobility, protection of personal information
No.4 - Vol.12
Study on the Characteristics of Rainfall Runoff in the Kinugawa River Basin and the Evacuation Behavior of the Residents at the Time of Kanto and Tohoku Flood Disaster in September, 2015
Yoshimasa Morooka and Tadashi Yamada
flood disaster, flood simulation, rainfall-runoff analysis, evacuation behavior, kinugawa river
No.4 - Vol.12
Agrometeorological Disaster Grading in Guangdong Province Based on Data Mining
Danni Wang, Shitai Bao, Chunlin Wang, and Chongyang Wang
fuzzy associate rule, data mining, agrometeorological disaster monitoring and early warning

Count period : Jan. 1 - Feb. 28, 2017

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