
IJAT Most Downloaded Papers, Sep. 2024

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 1 Vol.11
“Industrie 4.0” and Smart Manufacturing – A Review of Research Issues and Application Examples
Klaus-Dieter Thoben, Stefan Wiesner, and Thorsten Wuest
industry 4.0, smart manufacturing, cyber-physical systems, industrial internet, smart factory
No.2 - Vol.18
Robustness of Structure from Motion Accuracy/Precision Against the Non-Optimality in Analysis Settings: Case Study in Constant-Pitch Flight Design
Truc Thanh Ho, Ariyo Kanno, Yuji Matsuoka, Masahiko Sekine, Tsuyoshi Imai, Koichi Yamamoto, and Takaya Higuchi
structure from motion (SfM), UAV-based photogrammetry, SfM analysis setting, flight design, robustness of SfM accuracy/precision
No.3 3 Vol.13
Review of Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing for 3D Metal Printing
Johnnie Liew Zhong Li, Mohd Rizal Alkahari, Nor Ana Binti Rosli, Rafidah Hasan, Mohd Nizam Sudin, and Faiz Redza Ramli
wire arc additive manufacturing (WAAM), 3D printing, additive manufacturing (AM), welding, fused deposition modeling (FDM)
No.4 - Vol.18
Design Optimization of Continuous Fiber Arrangement Using Lamination Parameters in Material Extrusion-Based Additive Manufacturing
Koki Jimbo, Tohru Shitani, Satoshi Nakajima, and Shinya Morita
additive manufacturing, material extrusion, fiber-reinforced polymer, design optimization, lamination parameter
No.5 15 Vol.17
Study on a Novel Peeling of Nano-Particle (PNP) Process for Localized Material Removal on a 4H-SiC Surface by Controllable Magnetic Field
Thitipat Permpatdechakul, Panart Khajornrungruang, Keisuke Suzuki, and Shotaro Kutomi
nano-scale phenomenon, magnetic particle, in situ observation, localized remote control, hard material
No.6 - Vol.18
Topological Delaunay Graph for Efficient 3D Binary Image Analysis
Shin Yoshizawa, Takashi Michikawa, and Hideo Yokota
persistent homology, persistence diagram, Rips complex, topological graph, Voronoi diagram
No.7 11 Vol.18
On-Machine Calibration of Pitch Deviations of a Linear Scale Grating by Using a Differential Angle Sensor
Jiucheng Wu, Yifang Hong, Dong Wook Shin, Ryo Sato, Lue Quan, Hiraku Matsukuma, and Wei Gao
on-machine, linear scale grating, laser autocollimation, pitch deviation measurement
No.8 - Vol.18
Analysis of the Relationship Between Process Parameters and Microhardness for the Finishing Process by Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing Combined with the FSB Tool of Austenitic Stainless Steel 316L
Teerayut Cordkaew, Jun’ichi Kaneko, and Takeyuki Abe
wire arc additive manufacturing, directed energy deposition, friction stir burnishing, Taguchi, microhardness
No.8 - Vol.18
Modeling Algorithms for Empowering Automated Manufacturing with Industrial X-Ray Computed Tomography
Yukie Nagai
X-ray computed tomography, sinogram, surface, modeling, industrial applications
No.8 - Vol.18
Log-Aesthetic Curves and Similarity Geometry
Kenjiro T. Miura and R. U. Gobithaasan
log-aesthetic curves (LAC), similarity geometry, σ-curve, τ-curve, computer-aided design
No.9 - Vol.18
C-Space-Based Toolpath Generation for Five-Axis Controlled Machining with Special Tools
Ken Okamoto and Koichi Morishige
CAM, toolpath generation, special tools, C-Space
No.10 15 Vol.18
Inner Modulation Controlled Process for Suppression of Chatter Vibration in Double Inserts Turning
Toshifumi Atsuta, Hidenori Yoshimura, and Takashi Matsumura
chatter vibration, turning, double inserts cutting, phase difference, low-rigid workpiece

Count period : September 1-30, 2024

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