
IJAT Most Downloaded Papers, Sep. 2022

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 2 Vol.11
“Industrie 4.0” and Smart Manufacturing – A Review of Research Issues and Application Examples
Klaus-Dieter Thoben, Stefan Wiesner, and Thorsten Wuest
industry 4.0, smart manufacturing, cyber-physical systems, industrial internet, smart factory
No.2 1 Vol.16
Magnetic Levitation Technology for Precision Motion Systems: A Review and Future Perspectives
Lei Zhou and Jingjie Wu
magnetic levitation, mechatronics, actuators, precision motion systems, precision positioning
No.2 - Vol.16
Feasibility Study of EDM-Assisted Combined Turning for Unidirectional CFRP
Hidetake Tanaka, Yuta Fukada, and Ryuta Kuboshima
CFRP, electric discharge machining, uncut fiber, NC lathe
No.3 - Vol.16
Simplified Prediction of Melt Pool Shape in Metal Additive Manufacturing Using Maraging Steel
Taiichiro Fukunaga and Hiroyuki Narahara
metal additive manufacturing, selective laser melting, powder bed fusion, melt pool
No.4 - Vol.16
Effect of Cutting Fluid on Tool Wear in Finished Surface Formation Area of Rounded Nosed Tool When Turning Alloy 304
Takahide Hayashida, Ryutaro Tanaka, Katsuhiko Sekiya, and Keiji Yamada
tool wear, turning, tool edge roundness, uncut chip thickness, lubricant
No.5 - Vol.16
Enhancing the Shape Complexity in Direct Energy Deposition with Phased Deformation
Srinath Gudur, Suryakumar Simhambhatla, and N. Venkata Reddy
metal additive manufacturing, wire-based direct energy deposition (W-DED), hybrid additive manufacturing processes, deformation aided deposition process
No.6 - Vol.16
Design and Prototyping of Biaxial Flexible Support Table for Fine Positioning Through Controlled Magnetic Attraction Forces
Yuuma Tamaru, Kensuke Kawata, and Hiroki Shimizu
fine positioning, cooperation positioning, sliding frictionless positioning, magnetic force control, flexible mechanism
No.7 - Vol.16
High-Efficiency Machining of Titanium Alloy Using Combined Machining Method of Driven Rotary Tool and Hale Machining
Yuto Yamazaki, Tetsuo Takada, Hideharu Kato, and Shigehiko Sakamoto
high-efficiency machining, titanium alloy, driven rotary tool, hale machining, MQL
No.8 - Vol.16
Statistics-Based Measuring Point Selection for Monitoring the Thermal Deformation of a Workpiece in End-Milling
Mengmeng Yang, Feng Zhang, and Koji Teramoto
thermal deformation, temperature measuring system, multiple linear regression (MLR), statistics-based selection method, end-milling
No.9 - Vol.16
Investigation of Air Filter Properties of Flash-Spinning Nanofiber Non-Woven Fabric
Shih-Pang Tsai, Wei Wu, Hiroyoshi Sota, Toshiki Hirogaki, and Eiichi Aoyama
melt blowing method, flash spinning method, nanofiber, filter, CFD analysis
No.9 - Vol.16
A MEMS Device Integrating Multiple Cantilever Displacement Sensors to Evaluate Flat Machined Surfaces
Hiroki Shimizu, Koichi Tamiya, Shoichiro Mizukami, and Yuuma Tamaru
multi-point method, profile measurement, straightness measurement, MEMS, cantilever displacement sensor
No.9 - Vol.16
Elucidation of Drilling Behavior on Workpiece Superimposed with Ultrasonic Vibration
Naofumi Tsuji, Kota Takashima, Akira Sakurada, Kazuto Miyawaki, and Hiromi Isobe
cutting edge wear, chisel engagement behavior, ultrasonic vibration-assisted drilling
No.10 - Vol.16
A Compound Control Algorithm for Height Following of Laser Cutting Head
Wu Da, Zeng Chunnian, Luo Jie, Yan Shu, Chen Lei, and Jinmin Hu
laser cutting, height following control, fuzzy PID control, acceleration closed-loop control
No.10 - Vol.5
Quantitative Performance Analysis of Exoskeleton Augmenting Devices - Muscle Suit - for Manual Worker
Yoshiki Muramatsu, Hiroyuki Kobayashi, Yutaka Sato, He Jiaou, Takuya Hashimoto, and Hiroshi Kobayashi
muscle suit, wearable robot, exoskeleton, McKibben artificial muscle, quantitative performance evaluation

Count period : September 1-30, 2022 (remove abnormal downloads on 6th Oct)

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