
IJAT Most Downloaded Papers, Jul. 2022

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 - Vol.16
Magnetic Levitation Technology for Precision Motion Systems: A Review and Future Perspectives
Lei Zhou and Jingjie Wu
magnetic levitation, mechatronics, actuators, precision motion systems, precision positioning
No.2 1 Vol.11
“Industrie 4.0” and Smart Manufacturing – A Review of Research Issues and Application Examples
Klaus-Dieter Thoben, Stefan Wiesner, and Thorsten Wuest
industry 4.0, smart manufacturing, cyber-physical systems, industrial internet, smart factory
No.3 - Vol.16
Control of Spindle Position and Stiffness of Aerostatic-Bearing-Type Air Turbine Spindle
Tomohiro Tanaka, Tomonori Kato, Tatsuki Otsubo, Atsuhiro Koyama, and Takanori Yazawa
pneumatics, air turbine spindle, aerostatic bearing, position and stiffness control
No.4 - Vol.16
New Control Parametrization Strategy for Flexible Feed Drives
Natanael Lanz, Sascha Weikert, and Konrad Wegener
control, dynamics, machine tools, feed drives, measurements
No.5 7 Vol.16
Digital Tools Integration and Human Resources Development for Smart Factories
Hiroyuki Sawada, Yoshihiro Nakabo, Yoshiyuki Furukawa, Noriaki Ando, Takashi Okuma, Hitoshi Komoto, and Keijiro Masui
smart manufacturing, robot system, human behavior sensing, human-machine coexistence, model factory
No.6 - Vol.16
Food Texture Measurement System Using Rod Type Actuator for Imitation of Human Mastication
Hiroyuki Nakamoto, Yuya Nagahata, and Futoshi Kobayashi
food texture, texture measurement, rod-type actuator, mastication, food evaluation
No.7 6 Vol.16
On-Machine Tool Condition Monitoring System Using Image Processing
Kenta Kanto, Junichi Kubota, Makoto Fujishima, and Masahiko Mori
tool, measuring instrument, automation intelligence
No.7 - Vol.16
Model Predictive Displacement Control Tuning for Tap-Water-Driven Artificial Muscle by Inverse Optimization with Adaptive Model Matching and its Contribution Analyses
Satoshi Tsuruhara, Ryo Inada, and Kazuhisa Ito
adaptive model matching, inverse optimization, model predictive control, artificial muscle, water-hydraulic
No.8 - Vol.16
Development of Bipolar Electrostatic Chuck with a Beam-Array Assembly Fabricated by Lithography
Yuki Taoka, Kohei Kawabata, Pasomphone Hemthavy, Seungman Choi, Kunio Takahashi, and Shigeki Saito
electrical properties, adhesional force, microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), deep reactive-ion etching (DRIE), electrostatic chuck (ESC)
No.8 - Vol.16
Design and Fabrication of Micro Gripper Using Functional Fluid Power
Yutaka Tanaka, Ryuta Suzuki, Kazuya Edamura, and Shinichi Yokota
electro-conjugate fluid, functional fluid, jamming gripper, micro gripper, soft actuator
No.8 - Vol.16
Pneumatically-Controlled Linear Actuator Using Pressure-Resistant, Thin-Walled Metal Bellows and its Application
Yasukazu Sato and Takeyoshi Shimbori
bellows actuator, pneumatics, stress reduction, pressure resistance, active suspension
No.9 - Vol.16
Posture Evaluation Based on Forward Kinematics and Inverse Kinematics of Parallel Link Type Machine Tool
Hiroto Tanaka, Yoshitaka Morimoto, Akio Hayashi, and Hidetaka Yamaoka
parallel mechanism, shape creation theory, homogeneous transformation matrix, kinematics
No.10 3 Vol.16
Performance Evaluation of Low-Cost Vibration Sensors in Industrial IoT Applications
Ali Iqbal, Naeem S. Mian, Andrew Longstaff, and Simon Fletcher
Industrial Internet of Things, precision manufacturing, measuring instruments, calibration, Industry 4.0

Count period : July 1-31, 2022

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