
IJAT Most Downloaded Papers, Mar. 2022

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 1 Vol.11
“Industrie 4.0” and Smart Manufacturing – A Review of Research Issues and Application Examples
Klaus-Dieter Thoben, Stefan Wiesner, and Thorsten Wuest
industry 4.0, smart manufacturing, cyber-physical systems, industrial internet, smart factory
No.2 - Vol.16
Sensor-Integrated Tool for Self-Optimizing Single-Lip Deep Hole Drilling
Robert Wegert, Mohammad Alaa Alhamede, Vinzenz Guski, Siegfried Schmauder, and Hans-Christian Möhring
deep hole drilling, temperature, vibrations, sensors, microcontroller
No.3 2 Vol.13
Review of Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing for 3D Metal Printing
Johnnie Liew Zhong Li, Mohd Rizal Alkahari, Nor Ana Binti Rosli, Rafidah Hasan, Mohd Nizam Sudin, and Faiz Redza Ramli
wire arc additive manufacturing (WAAM), 3D printing, additive manufacturing (AM), welding, fused deposition modeling (FDM)
No.3 8 Vol.15
Electrical System Design and Fault Analysis of Machine Tool Based on Automatic Control
Yiping Yang, Hongyan Wu, and Jianmin Ma
automatic control, back-propagation neural network, electrical system, fault analysis, machine tool
No.4 15 Vol.14
Copper/Silver Recovery from Photovoltaic Panel Sheet by Electrical Dismantling Method
Chiharu Tokoro, Soowon Lim, Yukihiro Sawamura, Masataka Kondo, Kazuhiro Mochidzuki, Taketoshi Koita, Takao Namihira, and Yasunori Kikuchi
recycling, physical separation, metal recovery, pulsed discharge, solar power
No.5 10 Vol.6
Indirect Measurement of Volumetric Accuracy for Three-Axis and Five-Axis Machine Tools: A Review
Soichi Ibaraki and Wolfgang Knapp
volumetric accuracy, indirect measurement, machine tools, kinematic model
No.5 4 Vol.15
Multi-Layer Quality Inspection System Framework for Industry 4.0
Victor Azamfirei, Anna Granlund, and Yvonne Lagrosen
quality inspection, Industry 4.0, cyber-physical systems, zero-defect manufacturing, CAD/CAM/CAE
No.6 - Vol.16
A Study on Demand Forecasting of Wholesale Markets of Lettuces for Production Planning in Plant Factories
Nobuhiro Sugimura, Nguyen Quang Thinh, Shohei Kohama, Yutaka Fukui, and Koji Iwamura
demand forecasting, plant factories, time series model, regression model, production planning
No.7 12 Vol.15
Design of an Intelligent Greenhouse Remote Control System Based on a Fuzzy Neural Network
Yajuan Jia
fuzzy neural network, greenhouse, remote control, temperature control
No.7 10 Vol.15
Evaluation of Kinematic and Compliance Calibration of Serial Articulated Industrial Manipulators
Soichi Ibaraki, Nikolas Alexander Theissen, Andreas Archenti, and Md. Moktadir Alam
industrial robot, robot calibration, model identification, compensation
No.8 - Vol.16
Measurement of Machine Tool Two-Dimensional Error Motions Using Direction-Regulated Laser Interferometers
Daichi Maruyama, Soichi Ibaraki, and Ryoma Sakata
machine tool, geometric errors, laser interferometer, laser tracker
No.8 - Vol.16
Tool Wear and Surface Roughness Characteristics in the High-Speed Milling of Pure Ti and Ti Alloy Using TiAlN Coated Carbide Radius End Mill
Therdsak Jaingam, Chiaki Kaminaga, Takekazu Sawa, and Masahiro Anzai
tool wear, surface roughness, high-speed milling, TiAlN
No.8 - Vol.16
Reduction of the Influence of Non-Repeatable Run-Out in X-Y Plane of Machining Surface
Yuta Showa and Hayato Yoshioka
NRRO, rolling bearing, excitation, spindle
No.9 5 Vol.16
Power Consumption Simulation of Servo Motors Focusing on the Influence of Mechanical Vibration on Motor Efficiency
Massimiliano Rigacci, Ryuta Sato, and Keiichi Shirase
power consumption, motor efficiency, torque oscillation, coupling characteristics
No.9 13 Vol.14
Task Scheduling of Material-Handling Manipulator for Enhancing Energy Efficiency in Flow-Type FMS
Ryo Yonemoto and Haruhiko Suwa
energy-efficiency, productivity, manufacturing system, scheduling, industrial robot

Count period : March 1-31, 2022

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