
IJAT Most Downloaded Papers, Jan. 2022

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 1 Vol.11
“Industrie 4.0” and Smart Manufacturing – A Review of Research Issues and Application Examples
Klaus-Dieter Thoben, Stefan Wiesner, and Thorsten Wuest
industry 4.0, smart manufacturing, cyber-physical systems, industrial internet, smart factory
No.2 5 Vol.3
Monitoring and Control of Cutting Forces in Machining Processes: A Review
Atsushi Matsubara and Soichi Ibaraki
milling, cutting force, machining process monitoring, machining process control
No.3 - Vol.16
Microscopic Wear Characteristics of Ceramic Grinding Wheel in Creep Feed Grinding
Masakazu Fujimoto and Keisuke Shimizu
ceramic grinding wheel, grain cutting edge, creep feed grinding, attritious wear flat, self-sharpening
No.3 - Vol.16
Power Consumption Simulation of Servo Motors Focusing on the Influence of Mechanical Vibration on Motor Efficiency
Massimiliano Rigacci, Ryuta Sato, and Keiichi Shirase
power consumption, motor efficiency, torque oscillation, coupling characteristics
No.4 - Vol.16
Development of Ultrasonic Vibration-Assisted Magnetic Compound Fluid (MCF) Polishing Technology
Mitsuyoshi Nomura, Kenji Ozasa, Tatsuya Fujii, Tsunehisa Suzuki, and Yongbo Wu
magnetic compound fluid (MCF), MCF slurry, polishing, ultrasonic vibration, surface roughness
No.4 - Vol.16
Polishing Characteristics and Mechanism of Polishing Glass Substrate Using Suede Pad with Fine Micrometer-Sized Pores
Michio Uneda, Nodoka Yamada, and Yoshihiro Tawara
suede polishing pad with fine pores, glass substrate, chemical mechanical polishing, removal rate, pad surface asperities
No.5 - Vol.16
Effect of the Abrasive Grain Distribution on Ground Surface Roughness
Nobuhito Yoshihara, Haruki Takahashi, and Masahiro Mizuno
ground surface roughness, statistical grinding theory, optimum grinding conditions
No.6 6 Vol.6
Indirect Measurement of Volumetric Accuracy for Three-Axis and Five-Axis Machine Tools: A Review
Soichi Ibaraki and Wolfgang Knapp
volumetric accuracy, indirect measurement, machine tools, kinematic model
No.6 - Vol.16
Optimization of Nano-Topography Distribution by Compensation Grinding
Nobuhito Yoshihara and Masahiro Mizuno
nano-topography, ultra-precision grinding, compensation grinding, vibration
No.6 - Vol.16
Polishing Performance of a Recycled Grinding Wheel Using Grinding Wheel Scraps for the Wet Polishing of Stainless-Steel Sheets
Akira Mizobuchi, Takeshi Hamada, Atsuyoshi Tashima, Keita Horimoto, and Tohru Ishida
wet polishing, grinding wheel, polyvinyl alcohol, organic titanium compound, stainless steel
No.6 5 Vol.15
Evaluation of Kinematic and Compliance Calibration of Serial Articulated Industrial Manipulators
Soichi Ibaraki, Nikolas Alexander Theissen, Andreas Archenti, and Md. Moktadir Alam
industrial robot, robot calibration, model identification, compensation
No.6 20 Vol.15
Forest Data Collection by UAV Lidar-Based 3D Mapping: Segmentation of Individual Tree Information from 3D Point Clouds
Taro Suzuki, Shunichi Shiozawa, Atsushi Yamaba, and Yoshiharu Amano
remote sensing, 3D point cloud, UAV, segmentation
No.6 - Vol.16
ELID Mirror Surface Grinding for Concave Molds by Conductive Elastic Wheel Containing Carbon Black
Atsushi Ezura, Katsufumi Inazawa, Kazuhiro Omori, Yoshihiro Uehara, Nobuhide Itoh, and Hitoshi Ohmori
ELID grinding, elastic wheel, surface roughness, form accuracy, mirror finish

Count period : January 1-31, 2022

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Last updated on Jan. 08, 2025