
IJAT Most Downloaded Papers, Jul. 2020

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 - Vol.14
Measurement and Compensation of Tool Contour Error Using White Light Interferometry for Ultra-Precision Diamond Turning of Freeform Surfaces
Kodai Nagayama and Jiwang Yan
freeform surface, ultra-precision cutting, form error compensation, diamond tool, white light interferometry
No.2 - Vol.14
Study on the Creation of Fine Periodic Structure on V-Shaped Groove with Short-Pulsed Laser
Ryohei Takase, Shuhei Kodama, Keita Shimada, Holger Mescheder, Kai Winands, Jan Riepe, Kristian Arntz, Masayoshi Mizutani, and Tsunemoto Kuriyagawa
short-pulsed laser, ultra-fine periodic structure (LIPSS), composite fine structure, wettability
No.2 11 Vol.5
Calibration of Articulated Arm Coordinate Measuring Machine Considering Measuring Posture
Hiroyuki Hamana, Mitsushi Tominaga, Miyu Ozaki, and Ryoshu Furutani
CMM, articulated, artifact, measuring posture, spherical bearing
No.3 1 Vol.14
A Digital Perspective on Machine Tool Calibration
Benjamin Montavon, Philipp Dahlem, Martin Peterek, and Robert H. Schmitt
machine tool calibration, internet of production, computational manufacturing
No.4 - Vol.14
Fabrication of a Two-Dimensional Diffraction Grating with Isolated Photoresist Pattern Structures
Hiraku Matsukuma, Masanori Matsunaga, Kai Zhang, Yuki Shimizu, and Wei Gao
mask-less interference lithography, non-orthogonal two-axis Lloyd’s mirror interferometer, two-dimensional diffraction grating, isolated photoresist pattern structures
No.4 2 Vol.14
Identification Method of Error Motions and Geometric Errors of a Rotary Axis by R-Test
Takaaki Kenno, Ryuta Sato, Keiichi Shirase, Shigemasa Natsume, and Henny Spaan
five-axis machine tools, rotary axis, error motion, geometric error, R-test
No.5 - Vol.14
Effects of Pulse Duration and Heat on Laser-Induced Periodic Surface Structures
Shuhei Kodama, Keita Shimada, Masayoshi Mizutani, and Tsunemoto Kuriyagawa
short-pulsed laser, 20-ps pulse duration, electric field, laser wavelength, material temperature
No.5 - Vol.14
Effective Optical System Assembly Using Ultra-Precise Manufactured References
Andreas Gebhardt, Matthias Beier, Erik Schmidt, Thomas Rendel, Ute Gawronski, and Eyk Gebhardt
optical system assembly, reference structures, alignment turning, snap-together
No.5 - Vol.14
Generation of Biocompatible Titanium Alloy Surfaces Including Calcium and Phosphorus Elements by Laser-Induced Mist Spraying Wet Treatment
Atsushi Ezura, Kazutoshi Katahira, and Jun Komotori
laser, surface treatment, biocompatibility, titanium alloy

Count period : July 1-31, 2020

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